Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cyborg is a DC Comics Big Gun...So Where's His Comic?

Okay, it's way past time to give the DC Comics character Cyborg some ongoing comic book series love.

Created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, Victor "Vic" Stone debuted along The New Teen Titans in DC Comics Presents #26 in 1980 as a young athletic man made half-machine by his scientist father in order to save his life.  He became a Titans mainstay throughout the team's various incarnations and ultimately became a mentor to the current group.  Following a six-issue mini-series, he became a member of the Justice League of America.  He was in The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians animated series that evolved out of Super Friends and the 2003-06 Teen Titans animated series on Cartoon Network.  And of course, he's even appeared in live-action on a couple of episodes of Smallville, along with being included in various video games and action figure lines throughout the years.

In recent DC Comics material for promoting the return of letters pages and an upcoming DC Nation series on Cartoon Network, Cyborg is shown alongside DC Comics' biggest guns --  Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and The Flash.  And yet for some strange reason, he's the only one who has never had his own monthly ongoing series.

In fact, as a featured solo character with his own logo on the cover, Cyborg has only appeared in just a handful of comics.  The first was his revealed origin in 1982 in Tales of the New Teen Titans #1, although the remaining three issues of the mini-series each focused on a different Titans member.  Then there were two issues of Teen Titans Spotlight -- #13 in 1987, which was written by none other than Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski, and #20 in 1988, which paired him with Changeling.  Cyborg's biggest solo emphasis, though, happened in 2008 when he got a six-issue limited series of his own, DC Special: CyborgSo for those of you keeping score, that's nine whole Cyborg comics in thirty years.

So as a longtime Titans fan, it seems to me that with a three-decade-old character who has considerable background with both the Teen Titans and the Justice League, there should be no reason he couldn't support his own ongoing series with a decent creative team behind it.  Let's make it happen, DC.


  1. Because people don't really like him..

    1. And by people, you of course mean you don't like him. There are plenty of us who do, ever since the character's first appearance in 1980.

  2. I agree he needs a series, especially since he's now one of the main Justice League members.
