Thursday, June 23, 2016

THE FANDOM ZONE 064: "Purgatory" is Up!

"Wanna know how batshit I am?  Nobody shoots my family, but me."
– Wynonna Earp, Wynonna Earp: "Purgatory"

Now that our editor Rob is back from vacation, Karen Lindsay and I are finally back with a new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  

This week's reviews of comics on television include:

Preacher 1x03 -- "The Possibilities"
Wynonna Earp 1x01 -- "Purgatory"

This time, we talk about things like our new show opening for the summer, watching Wynonna Earp by special fan requests, teasing Herr Starr, Jackie Earle Haley as Odin Quincannon, Jesse trying to make Cassidy fly, Cassidy wondering if Jesse is a Jedi, wondering why everyone these days wants to have everything explained in the first episode of a new series, women's restrooms being just as gross as men's bathrooms, wanting Cassidy to be revealed as an Orphan Black Clone Club fan, some Fandom Zone fan mail, getting a Buffy vibe from Wynonna Earp, a new Justina review, Wynonna Earp passing the Bechdel Test, some comics on TV news, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone on Google Play Music right HERE, or for those of you who use iTunes, we're already available HERE, so please subscribe and rate us!  If direct download MP3s are more your thing, you can find those HERE as well.  In addition, you can Like us on The Fandom Zone Facebook show page, which you can check out HERE.  And yes, we're also on Twitter with our account @FandomZoneCast.

And if that isn't enough for you, you can also check us out on YouTube, Libsyn, Soundcloud, Sticher, and the official Southgate Media Group website!  Oh, and if you're interested in an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing, you can get those on TeePublic HERE as well!

Be sure to come back next week, as we review Episode 3 of Outcast, Episode 2 of Wynonna Earp, and Episode 4 of Preacherright here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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