Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Matt Lucas to Reprise Nardole for DOCTOR WHO Series 10

Yeah, like you saw this one coming.

The BBC has revealed that actor Matt Lucas will reprise his role of the bumbling Nardole for Doctor Who Series 10 in 2017, which begins filming next week in Cardiff, Wales.  Lucas will join stars Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Pearl Mackie as new companion Bill.  

Nardole first appeared in the 2015 Christmas Special "The Husbands of River Song" as a member of the human colony of Mendorax Dellora, and an employee of River Song. Nardole was told to find the surgeon River Song needed to extract the Halassi Androvar from the head of King Hydroflax.  Unfortunately, Nardole found the Twelfth Doctor and brought him to River Song instead.

When River and the Doctor escaped Hydroflax’s ship with his head in a bag, Hydroflax’s mechanical body turned to Nardole for strategic information.  Although Nardole claimed to know little of River’s plans, there was only one way for Hydroflax’s body to be sure, so it removed Nardole’s head and attached it to its own.

After the crash of the Harmony and Redemption on Darillium, Hydroflax's body was recovered from the wreckage.  As the hostile onboard computer was destroyed by the Doctor, Nardole and another head, Ramone, shared control of the body, working in a restaurant situated before the Singing Towers.  When River arrived several years after the crash, Ramone was in control as Nardole was getting some "me time" inside the body, something he admitted was hard when he greeted River from inside Hydroflax's body.

"I’m chuffed to bits that Nardole is returning to the TARDIS for some more adventures," said Lucas.  "I loved acting with Peter and I’m excited to work with Pearl."

"Delighted and slightly amazed to be welcoming Matt Lucas back on to the TARDIS," added Doctor Who showrunner and Executive Producer Steven Moffat, "and this time, it’s not just for Christmas, he’s sticking around.  One of the greatest comedy talents on planet Earth is being unleashed on all of time and space."

The opening episode of Series 10 is written by Moffat, executive produced by Brian Minchin, produced by Peter Bennett, and directed by Lawrence Gough.  The second episode in the new series is written by Frank Cottrell-Boyce, who previously wrote the Series 8 episode "In the Forest of the Night."  Block 2 writers are Sarah Dollard (writer of "Face the Raven") and Mike Bartlett (Doctor Foster).  

In addition, Stephanie Hyam will play a guest cast role in the new series.  She previously played Lily Clarke in Jekyll & Hyde, and appeared in Peaky Blinders, Murdered by My Boyfriend, and Sherlock.

Doctor Who returns at Christmas, followed by Series 10 in 2017.

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