Monday, September 17, 2012

Two Years of DAMN Good Coffee...and HOT!

As positively insane as this might be, DAMN Good Coffee...and HOT turns two years old today.

Way back in those caveman days of 2010, I began this blog to keep myself writing and to share things that I hoped all of you would find at least somewhat interesting.  This past year featured my first (and hopefully, not my last) steps into the world of writing comic books, the rapid growth of digital comics, a ton of comic book movie and TV projects, sci-fi stuff, espionage stuff, epic fantasy stuff, cosplay stuff, and as always, lots of nonsense from me about Doctor Who.

And now, after over 360 posts, over 130,000 pageviews averaging just under 10,000 views per month, and occasional spam comments from people outside America who think my posts are so impressive that I should click on their webpage, I'm about to head into Year Three.  (Mid) Ohio Comic Con is right around the corner again, there are new James Bond, Hobbit and Superman movies to ramble on about, and yes, I might have a few thoughts concerning the buildup for next year's 50th anniversary of Doctor Who.

So once again, my deepest thanks to everyone who's supported The Little Blog That Could over the past year and shared links on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or elsewhere.  Tell you what -- I'll keep searching the interwebz for all sorts of things on comics, television, movies and whatnot, and you guys keep checking in once in a while.  Sound like a plan?

We now return to to our regularly scheduled DAMN Good Coffee...and HOT, already in progress...


  1. Congratulations Charles! You keep writing 'em, we will keep reading 'em!

  2. Congrats Charles! I can't remember how I stumbled across your blog on the interwebs, but I'm SO glad I did!
    The Daring Librarian
