Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ohio Comic Con 2012: Day Two Photos

Well, Day Two of Ohio Comic Con 2012 was all kinds of insanely busy with celebrities such as Sir Patrick Stewart, Val Kilmer, Norman Reedus, Eliza Dushku, Dean Cain, John de Lancie and others signing autographs.  Had a great time catching up with old friends from Medina Senior High School and the amateur press association TitanTalk and of course, I have a few more photos to share.  Hope you like 'em!

Darth Maui.  YES.
The Fifth Doctor from Doctor Who
 Captain America oppa First Avenger style!
 The Predator with Deadpool. Do I have to explain how awesome this is?
Dean Cain, who is just as super in person as he was on Lois & Clark

Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!

If you'd like to check out more pictures from Day Two, you can find them posted HERE on my Facebook account.  See you back at the Columbus Convention Center for Day Three on Sunday!


  1. No pics of the ledger joker?

    1. Jokers are becoming as common as Stormtroopers and Ghostbusters these days, Anonymous. Although not impossible, it would take someone really good to get my attention now.
