Friday, September 17, 2010

The Beginning/Return of DAMN Good Coffee...and HOT!

Hello, I'm Charles Skaggs.  Basically...run.

By popular demand (of at least three people), I've decided to finally give this blog thing a go without having any idea whatsoever of how it's going to turn out.  Former members of the amateur press association known as TitanTalk may recall that I used to do this sort of thing back in the day, only we antiquated geezers called it a "zine" and used strange things like "paper" and "copy machines at work" to get our various ramblings out to our friends and occasional enemies.  But now we live in the glorious future, where everyone and their second cousin twice removed by way of adoption sends messages to one another over their phones or posts the most trivial and useless nonsense you could ever think on Facebook and Twitter.  Which reminds me...

Charles on Facebook

Charles on Twitter

So with all that in mind, I thought it was somewhat fitting to bring my old TitanTalk zine title back from the dead and launch DAMN Good Coffee...and HOT! 2.0.  Or DAMN Good Coffee...and HOT!: The Next Generation.  Or whatever you think it is.  My plan is to use this as a forum for everything that's not convenient for me to do currently on Facebook or Twitter, such as my long-winded movie reviews, things I've written in the past, or thoughts about comic books, actual book books, music and television that could use a little love and word-of-mouth.

I'm hoping that you'll find most of what I post to be interesting or at the very least, not all that annoying.  And please feel free to comment wherever you like, however you like, because the more people that get involved, the more entertaining this is going to be for people to read.  All I ask is that you keep your death threats to an absolute minimum and bear with me until I become more fluent with all things blogified.

And so, it begins...


  1. It will be good to read your ramblings. I'm saving this in my favorites now!

  2. I remember youuuuuuu! (/stops singing)
