Tuesday, January 6, 2015

THE FLASH Casts Liam McIntyre as Weather Wizard


Longtime Flash fans probably saw this coming after watching the pilot episode of The CW's The Flash, but it looks like the true Weather Wizard will finally arrive in Central City.  According to PUNKD Images, Liam McIntyre has been spotted on set as DC Comics character Mark Mardon.
McIntyre is best known for playing the lead role on the Starz series Spartacus.  In addition, he's appeared in the film The Legend of Hercules and on the HBO miniseries The Pacific.

Previously, Chad Rook played Mark Mardon's Clyde in The Flash's pilot episode, where the Mardon brothers were bank robbers that were struck mid-air in a plane when the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator wave blanketed Central City.  Clyde gained the ability to create and control the weather until he was shot and killed by Detective Joe West, so most likely, Mark has acquired the same ability.

Created in 1959 by John Broome and Carmine Infantino, the Weather Wizard was originally an escaped prisoner named Mark Mardon who fled to his brother Clyde's house, only to find him dead.  As a scientist, Clyde had discovered a way to control the weather, so Mark took his brother's notes and used them to create a wand that allowed him to generate weather.  He battled The Flash a number of times, eventually joining forces with The Rogues.

In the current New 52 continuity, the Weather Wizard is now called Marco Mardon and is Latino.  As one of the heads of a mafia family, Mardon was called back after his brother Claudio's murder and later finds that his brother's widow, Elsa, was Claudio's murderer.  He continues serving with the current version of the Rogues.

The Flash airs Tuesday nights on The CW at 8 p.m. EST.

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