Friday, January 23, 2015

HANNIBAL Season 3 Trailer is Served

The third course is being prepared.

After months of anticipation, the first trailer for the third season of NBC's Hannibal has finally debuted.  The stellar television series based on the novel Red Dragon by Thomas Harris hasn't been a huge ratings hit for NBC, but is one of the few network shows with broad critical acclaim and did well enough to earn another season of thirteen episodes.

When last we left the series, FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Jack Crawford (Laurence Fishburne) confronted Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen) and was severely wounded following a brutal pantry fight.  Dr. Alana Bloom (Caroline Dhavernas) was pushed out of a window by Abigail Hobbs (Kacey Rohl), leaving her seriously injured.  Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) found Abigail, only to end up stabbed by Hannibal with a linoleum knife before Lecter sliced Abigail's throat.  Leaving everyone bleeding out, Hannibal was last seen boarding a plane to France with Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson).

The new two-minute trailer opens with Will waking up in a hospital bed as he speaks in an ominous voiceover, saying "Our minds can concoct all sorts of scenarios when we don't want to believe something.  We construct fairy tales...and we accept them."

We get our first look at Tao Okamato as Chiyoh, the ward of Lady Murasaki from Harris' novel Hannibal Rising.  "Hannibal took someone from you," Chiyoh says to Will.  "Are you here to take someone from him?"  Will then asks Chiyoh if she knows where Hannibal is.

Next, we see Hannibal about to speak to an audience of art patrons before a projected image of the William Blake painting The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun, followed by fleeting images of Bedelia anxiously descending a staircase, Will in a graveyard, Hannibal shaking hands with the art patrons, Will being escorted down a set of steps by a rifle-wielding Chiyoh, Hannibal creepily touching Bedelia's shoulder, and Hannibal doing research from a series of ancient medical books.

Lastly, we see Will confront Hannibal in a set of darkened catacombs.  "Hannibal," says Will, "I forgive you."  Hannibal pauses for a moment before turning to leave.

If you'd like to see the trailer, you can check it out below thanks to the official Hannibal YouTube account.  Please note, however, that the audio only plays in the right audio channel.

Hannibal is expected to return for Season 3 on NBC sometime this summer.

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