Monday, December 8, 2014

Charles Discusses CONSTANTINE & GOTHAM on JKL Media!

Somewhere, Papa Midnite is laughing to himself...

In the tradition of great comic book crossovers, the lovely folks at JKL Media Podcast were kind enough to invite yours truly over for a lively discussion of four DC Comics television shows currently on the air -- Constantine, Gotham, Arrow and The Flash.  And considering the J and the K of JKL are Jesse Jackson and Karen Lindsay, co-hosts with me on Next Stop Everywhere and Dangerous Habits, I could hardly pass, now could I?

Well, together with the L, one Lou Sytsma, the discussion ended up being so lively that it needed to be split into two parts, but the good news is, Part One has now been posted!

Joining together from the cosmic reaches of the universe, we talk about our various comic book backgrounds, Marvel vs. DC allegiances, the awesomeness of Papa Midnite, Constantine having a Dresden Files vibe, past Doctor Who comics connections, treating comics TV shows as an alternate universe, adapting the series Gotham Central, producing a podcast on the fly, and more!

So my many thanks to Jesse, Karen and Lou for providing me an outlet for some of these random thoughts flittering across my brain and for generally being such wonderful people.  If you'd like to check out "DC Universe TV Part One," you can listen to it HERE in glorious MP3 goodness.  And if you'd like to hear more JKL Media, check out their previous episodes right HERE.

Part Two with Arrow and The Flash coming soon!

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