Monday, December 15, 2014

Charles Discusses ARROW & THE FLASH on JKL Media!

As you might recall, the lovely folks at JKL Media Podcast were kind enough to invite yours truly over for a lively discussion of four DC Comics television shows currently on the air -- Constantine, Gotham, Arrow and The Flash.  The discussion ended up being so lively, in fact, that it needed to be split into two parts and Part Two has now been posted!

Gathering together from the cosmic reaches of the universe, the four of us talk about how the Green Arrow comic book is mirroring the Arrow TV series, Karen's brutal smackdown of Thea Queen, the redemption of Brandon Routh, Oliver Queen being a playa, calling my shot about Thea Queen switching to the Dark Side weeks before the Arrow midseason finale aired, why Barry and Iris works better than Barry and Felicity, calling my shot about Harrison Wells being the Reverse-Flash weeks before The Flash midseason finale, the upcoming Marvel Netflix shows, which superhero we would pick as a spinoff series, and more!

Once again, my many thanks to Jesse Jackson, Karen Lindsay and Lou Sytsma for providing me an outlet to finally talk about these shows, and for being such fun and wonderful people. If you'd like to check out "DC Universe TV Part Two," you can listen to it HERE in glorious MP3 goodness. And if you'd like to hear more JKL Media, check out their previous episodes right HERE.

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