Sunday, January 6, 2013

TWIN PEAKS is Not Happening Again

The rumors of Twin Peaks returning for Season 3 are not what they seem.

During the past few days, fans of the ABC cult classic television series from 1990-91 became excited at increasing internet speculation that the show would finally return for a third season on NBC, of all places.  The whole thing apparently started on a 4chan message board from an anonymous poster (always a reliable source...ahem...) who mentioned that he was "lucky enough to be in on a meeting David Lynch (co-creator of Twin Peaks) was having with some NBC executives."  He also brought up several "pointers" he supposedly learned:
  • Season 3 is set the same amount of time it has been since Season 2
  • Lynch wants to be very hands on with the project but they executives were very open about how "unusual" his tastes were.  They seemed a little on edge about him tackling it alone.
  • Lynch wants most of the cast back
  • The story would revolve around that good (Dale) Cooper is still in the (Black) Lodge, and a young (female!) reporter will basically uncover the truth behind Twin Peaks, BOB and the Lodge
  • Since Season 2, bad Cooper has been in prison in another state for the murder of two Twin Peaks residents.  He didn't know which ones yet.  It seems since Season 2, bad Cooper went on a rampage.  Everyone still thinks it's the real Cooper.
  • Lynch was adamant that the show opens by recreating the first Red Room scene in Season 1.  This take place in modern day, and was a hint that Cooper would be trapped within the Red Room.
This post came just a day after Moviehole featured an article asking if Twin Peaks could be revived in 2013.  The piece quoted past comments from David Lynch who said, "Well, I always go by ideas.  One night maybe I catch an idea and get all fired up about it and maybe call Mark Frost and write something.  Who knows?  It hasn’t happened yet."  They also mentioned word from executive producer Robert Engels that "he's taken a couple of calls in recent years from networks" interested in bringing the show back in some way.

However, a couple of days later, co-creator Mark Frost pretty much killed the rumors on Twitter, posting this comment:

Yesterday, Frost also remarked on the silliness of NBC being the network to bring Twin Peaks back...

So Peaks Freaks are still without Season 3 and poor Agent Cooper is still trapped in the Black Lodge...for the foreseeable future at least.  But hey, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks Twin Peaks Season 3 would make a damn fine comic book series for whatever obviously brilliant publisher that managed to obtain the licensing rights.  And you know...I'm reasonably certain I could find the time to write it...

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