Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ARROW Season 1 Spoilers

The CW series Arrow finally returns from its holiday break tonight with "Burned," the first of nine new episodes running through March 27th.

According to The Huffington Post, a number of Oliver Queen's allies and enemies will be returning later in the season, including The Huntress, Deadshot and China White.  Here's a rundown of what's coming up over the next several episodes:

Episode 10 - "Burned" by Moira Kirland and Ben Sokolowski

The CW’s Official Description -- OLIVER HANGS UP HIS HOOD — Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) confidence is shaken after being beaten by the Dark Archer and he takes a break from being Arrow. However, when Laurel (Katie Cassidy) calls Arrow for help investigating a firefighter’s suspicious death, he reluctantly agrees but his hesitance while fighting almost costs him his life. Meanwhile, Tommy (Colin Donnell) throws a benefit for the firefighters and Thea (Willa Holland) tries to lift Moira (Susanna Thompson) out of her depressive state.
Andrew Dunbar appears in this episode as the Batman villain Firefly.

Tonight's episode has Stephen Amell's character at a low point after his beatdown by the Dark Archer (Malcolm Merlyn) and considering giving up his vigilante crusade.  But according to executive producer Marc Guggenheim, this will be part of Ollie's evolution from "a vengeance-based vigilante to a justice-based hero."

Episode 11 - "Trust But Verify" by Gabrielle Stanton

The CW’s Official Description -- TOMMY AND MALCOLM HAVE A HEART-TO-HEART TALK AND OLIVER AND DIGGLE ARE AT ODDS WITH EACH OTHER — The next person on Arrow’s (Stephen Amell) list is Diggle’s (David Ramsey) commanding officer and mentor from Afghanistan, Ted Gaynor (guest star Ben Browder). Oliver suspects Ted is responsible for recent armoured truck robberies, but Diggle defends Ted and takes a job at Ted’s security company to keep an eye on him. Oliver decides to make a move on Ted, which puts him at odds with Diggle. Meanwhile, Thea (Willa Holland) suspects that Moira (Susanna Thompson) is having an affair with Malcolm (guest star John Barrowman). Tommy (Colin Donnell) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) have an awkward dinner with Malcolm.

Episode 12 - "Vertigo" by Wendy Mericle and Ben Sokolowski

The CW’s Official Description -- SETH GABEL (“FRINGE”) GUEST STARS WHILE THEA FACES PRISON TIME — Thea (Willa Holland) is in trouble with the police after she gets caught using a drug called “Vertigo.” Oliver (Stephen Amell) thinks the only way to keep her out of jail is to find the dealer, a man who goes by the name of “The Count” (guest star Seth Gabel). Oliver turns to McKenna Hall (guest star Janina Gavankar), an old flame and current Vice cop, for help. Meanwhile, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) steps in to defend Thea, and Felicity (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) gives Oliver some disturbing news about Moira (Susanna Thompson). David Ramsey, Colin Donnell and Paul Blackthorne also star.

"We love Seth and his interpretation of the character and the Count was always introduced with the plan to make him a recurring villain," said Guggenheim.  "In fact, Episode 12 ends with a set-up for his next appearance.  Seth plays the character with a lot of flair and it's a new color for the show.  Those people who think the Arrow is all about business-suited one-percenters will really want to check out this episode."

Episode 13 - "Betrayal" by Lana Cho and Beth Schwartz

Manu Bennett debuts as the person underneath Deathstroke's mask, who may or may not be Slade Wilson.  "I'd caution against making any assumptions about the role he's playing," Guggenheim said.  "We're a bit crafty over here at Arrow and we've demonstrated a certain fondness for using people's comic book-based expectations against them.  That said, Oliver will make a shocking discovery about Manu's character that will completely change how much, or even whether, he can trust him."

David Anders from Alias and Once Upon a Time will play Cyrus Vanch, a brand-new villain created specifically for the TV show.  "We wanted to have a villain who was purely sociopathic and without conscience and limitations, but also someone who was so incredibly smart that his tactics and the intelligence of his strategy would rival Oliver's tactics and ability to strategize," said Guggenheim.  "We'd been having so much fun with established DC villains that we thought it was time to create someone new and add a new toy to the toy box.  The fun about Vanch is that he's absolutely ruthless, but at the same time, a great tactician.  He's the thinking man's villain."

Episode 14 - "The Odyssey" by Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim and Greg Berlanti

This episode will feature the DC Comics character Shado, who will supposedly have her familiar dragon tattoo.

Episode 15 - "Dodger" by Beth Schwartz

Colton Haynes makes his debut as Roy Harper and Battlestar Galactica actor James Callis appears as The Dodger.

There are no plans for the Dodger's return yet, but according to Guggenheim, "Andrew and I were watching James' first day and immediately vowed to bring him back.  He's terrific.  The Dodger is a new type of adversary for us.  He offers a slightly lighter touch than previous villains we've had on the show, but James really grounds him with an air of menace that makes the Dodger fit with the tone we've established in the first fourteen episodes."

Episode 16 - Title Unknown

Deadshot returns with an all-new look and teams up with China White.

Episode 17 - Title Unknown

Jessica De Gouw returns as The Huntress/Helena Bertinelli.

Other Season One spoilers --

At least one other person aside from Diggle will learn Oliver's secret identity fairly soon.

Emily Bett Rickards computer expert character Felicity Smoak has "a big role to play in the second half of the season," said Guggenheim.  "Of course, she'll continue to be Oliver's unwitting assistant, but also remember that, thanks to Walter, she has a copy of the Second Notebook."

An LGBTQ character is on the producers' to-do list.  "As an out writer/producer, that's always important to me, but it's also equally important to do it in a way that's fresh and interesting," said executive producer Greg Berlanti.  "Hopefully we'll get to introduce the character before the end of year.  It's definitely high on our priority list."

"Viewers who are wondering when Oliver is going to realize his mom (Moira) is naughty will want to pay particular attention to Episodes 12 thru 14," Guggenheim said.

Tommy Merlyn may or may not start becoming a villain this season.  "He doesn't know that his dad is the Dark Archer. What's going to happen if and when Tommy makes that discovery? How does his father's uber-scheme affect Tommy?  Those are the questions we're raising and then driving to our big finale," said Guggenheim.

Arrow airs at 8 p.m. Wednesdays on The CW.

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