Thursday, August 2, 2012

Second DOCTOR WHO Series Seven Trailer Debuts

Not a good time to be a Dalek, apparently.

Early this morning, the BBC released the latest trailer for Doctor Who Series Seven, which is still showing as returning in Autumn even though some sources believe the premiere date will be August 25, 2012.

Rory Williams finally meets the Daleks.  "So...how much trouble are we in?"  The Eleventh Doctor gives the Daleks some of his best Stonehenge smacktalk.  "You've got me...What are you waiting for?  At long last, here I am!"  "Dinosaurs...on a spaceship!"  The Ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti.  Times Square in New York.  "Today, I honor the victims first -- His, the Master's, the Daleks'...all the people who've died because of my mercy!"  "See, this is what happens when you travel alone for too long."  Weeping Angel cherub blowing out Rory's match.  "We'll get through this, I promise...Don't be scared."  "Scared? Who's scared? Geronimo."  River Song.  The same location on Alfava Metraxis that the starship Byzantium crashed in "The Time of Angels."  "Who killed all the Daleks?"  "Who do you think...?"

Here you go, fellow Whovians.  Enjoy...

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