Monday, March 19, 2012

THE WALKING DEAD Season 3 Takes Shape

You know last night's Season 2 finale of AMC's The Walking Dead was good when you can't wait for Season 3 to begin.

In the second season finale, "Beside the Dying Fire," fans of the television series were finally introduced to Michonne, the popular katana-wielding character from the comic book series who debuted in issue #19.  Escaping from the herd of walkers overtaking Hershel's farm, Andrea (played by Laurie Holden) flees through the nearby woods, still fighting off a number of walkers continuing after her.  Just when Andrea runs out of gun ammo and all seems lost, however, a hooded Michonne suddenly arrives with two chained armless and jawless walkers in tow and quickly dispatches Andrea's final pursuing walker with a quick slash of her katana.

After the episode, writer and co-creator of The Walking Dead Robert Kirkman appeared on the post-episode talk show The Talking Dead, hosted by Chris Hardwick, and announced that Michonne will be played in Season 3 by actress Danai Gurira"These characters have struggled so hard to find a life worth living in this new world," Kirkman said.  "Michonne has found that new life."  Days earlier, Kirkman announced that he would be revealing Michonne's origins in a special one-shot comic tale in the April 2012 issue of Playboy magazine.

The closing shot of the Season 2 finale also revealed the prison that plays a central part in the comic series from issues #13 to #48.  Presumably, this will become the new Season 3 home for the survivors now that Hershel's farm has been lost. 

Back in February, actor David Morrissey was cast as The Governor, Brian Blake, who becomes the central villain for the comic series from issues #27 to #48, and the upcoming third season of the television series. 

Over the past weekend, actor Michael Rooker confirmed at Wondercon that Daryl Dixon's brother Merle, who was left for dead in Season 1, is slated to return in Season 3.  According to Rooker, he had to lose about twenty pounds for the role.

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