Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Craig Ferguson Leaks the Doctor Who Night Opening Number

Craig Ferguson, host of CBS' The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson, has officially earned a cherished place in Doctor Who history.  Earlier today on Twitter, Ferguson posted the followed message:

@CraigyFerg  http://tinyurl.com/2bos8gq oh no, the Dr. Who clip leaked! I'm furious! When I find out who did this... #leaktheclip

Yes, it's the opening musical number that Ferguson had originally planned to show during his recent "Doctor Who Night" episode on November 16th that featured an appearance by current Doctor Matt Smith.  At the time, Ferguson was prevented from showing the recorded number because his staff had failed to clear the legal rights to use the Doctor Who theme music in time for the broadcast.  However, he also mentioned what a shame it would be if the opening somehow found its way onto the Internets...

...and so it has.  Thank you so much, Craig!

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