Sunday, February 11, 2024

THE FANDOM ZONE 287: "Taloa" Is Up!

"I suspect you've come to kill me...again."
-- The Kingpin/Wilson Fisk to Maya Lopez, Echo -- "Taloa"

Hello again, everyone! DJ Nik and I are back for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Taloa", the fourth episode of the Marvel series Echo, featuring Alaqua Cox as Echo/Maya Lopez, Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin/Wilson Fisk, Tantoo Cardinal as Chula Battiest, and Chaske Spencer as Henry Lopez!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like Nik and I being glad our hockey teams aren't as bad as the Chicago Blackhawks, "Taloa" being the strongest episode of the season, learning that the Kingpin didn't lose his left eye after Echo shot him, the callback to the Daredevil Season 1 episode "Shadows in the Glass", the douchey ice cream vendor who refused to sell Young Maya ice cream, the Kingpin's surprise that Young Maya wasn't freaked out by seeing him pummel the ice cream vendor into a bloody mess, why Wilson Fisk had the ASL interpreter killed and wrapped in plastic, Kingpin being both Bruce Banner and the Hulk at the same time, Maya pouring an entire bottle of top-shelf wine down the kitchen sink drain, the Kingpin having someone invent a device for him to understand what Maya is signing without learning ASL, Maya's surprise that the Kingpin wasn't angry that she tried to kill him, Maya and Chula finally sitting down to talk with one another, the flashback showing the birth of Maya's mother Taloa, Maya calling out Chula for choosing herself over Maya when Maya needed her most, Chula starting work on Maya's super-suit, Biscuits calling out a Lion King reference, Kingpin daring Maya to kill him with the hammer he used to kill his own father, the Kingpin's hired goons not wanting to be the one who relays bad news to the Kingpin, Maya calling out the Kingpin for not learning ASL, Maya choosing a different path away from crime, our favorite quotes of the episode, Nik watching RoboCop (1987) with his mom, our next discussion of the Echo finale, and more! 

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Be sure to come back next week  when DJ Nik and I discuss "Maya", the final episode of the Marvel TV series Echo, featuring Alaqua Cox as Echo/Maya Lopez, Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin/Wilson Fisk, Tantoo Cardinal as Chula Battiest, and Andrew Howard as Zane!

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