Thursday, November 10, 2022

TITANTALK 077: "Lex Luthor & Mother Mayhem" Is Up!

"Gautier, 1762. I acquired this bottle at auction. It was found in a sealed-off compartment underneath Jean Paul Marat’s bathtub."
"It tastes like it."
-- Lex Luthor and Starfire, Titans: "Lex Luthor"

Hello again, Titans fans! DJ Nik and I are finally back with a new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast! This time, we reopen Titans Tower to discuss "Lex Luthor" and "Mother Mayhem", the first two episodes of Titans Season 4, featuring Brenton Thwaites as Nightwing/Dick Grayson and introducing Titus Welliver as Lex Luthor, Franka Potente as Mother Mayhem, and Joseph Morgan as Sebastian Sanger!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I discuss things like Nik recovering from a full-service evening, hoping that the fourth time is the charm, Nik liking how hardcore Titans is going this season with the supernatural horror, wondering once again if Titans can keep the momentum of the strong opening throughout the entire season, Titus Welliver as The Man in Black in Lost, some comics background on Lex Luthor's very first appearance in 1940, Bernard Fitzmartin being based on DC Comics character Bernard Dowd and Tim Drake: Robin writer Meghan Fitzmartin, wondering when the Titans' secret identities went completely out the window and why Nightwing still wears a domino mask, wondering what happened to Donna Troy after Season 3, Dick and Kory flirting with one another again, Beast Boy finally getting a super-suit so he doesn't have to be naked to use his powers anymore, wondering if Beast Boy is connecting to The Red, wondering if this version of the Cult of Blood is connected to Trigon, Superboy going to Metropolis to meet Superman only for Superman to be across the galaxy instead, Starfire becoming the Titans' most powerful member, wondering how the Titans Tour Bus was able to fit Bruce Wayne's sportscar inside with everything else, being glad that Dick told Tim it's way too early for him to have a Robin suit, wondering if Sebastian Sanger is a false persona for Brother Blood, Lex Luthor listening to Dr. Hannibal Lecter's favorite aria, Lex probably feeding the information about his death to the Titans, Lex Luthor's shocking demise (?), the Teen Titans storyline where Conner shaves his head to be more like Lex, some comics background on Mother Mayhem, Arthur Holmwood first appearing in Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, wondering if Lex transferred his consciousness into Conner's body to cheat death, the great scene of Dick comforting the little girl who lost her mother, Sideshow Mel from The Simpsons, the senior living staff wasting zero time in clearing out Sebastian's mom and her possessions after she died, wondering how Sebastian is a taxidermist and a computer programmer, Mother Mayhem kicking all of the Titans' asses, the Cult of Blood chanting Raven's catchphrase from the Teen Titans animated series, our favorite quotes of the episode, our excitement for The Sandman getting a second season on Netflix, my Justice Society story "The Midnight Hour" for DC Comics' Halloween special DC's Terrors Through Time, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "Jinx", the third episode of Titans Season 4, introducing Lisa Ambalavanar as Jinx!

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