Sunday, August 23, 2020
Matt Reeves Debuts THE BATMAN Teaser Trailer at DC FanDome
The Riddler wants to play a game with the Batman.
During the last panel of the DC FanDome: Hall of Heroes online event, Matt Reeves, director of the upcoming Warner Bros/DC Comics film The Batman, unveiled the first teaser trailer and gave us our first good look at star Robert Pattinson as the latest incarnation of Batman/Bruce Wayne.
The two-minute, 23-second trailer opens with the unsettling sound of duct tape, as a mysterious masked figure in black body armor pulls out a strip while he kneels over an unconscious man on the floor. We cut to later, as the murdered man has been placed in a chair with his face completely covered in duct tape and the words "NO MORE LIES" written on the tape with a red marker.
As the sound of the Nirvana song "Something in the Way" begins to play, we gather the man is presumably someone important, as we see dozens of Gotham City police give way to Commissioner James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) as he enters the crime scene. "From your secret friend," he reads in a voiceover.
"Who?" asks Batman as he also enters the room, although we only see his black boots and cape.
"Haven't a clue..." continues Gordon as he shines his flashlight on some taped-up front pages of The Gotham Gazette and The Gotham Times that have the word "LIES" written upon them in large red paint. We then see that Gordon is reading from a greeting card left by the murderer. "...Let's play a game, just me and you."
Gordon stops reading, then asks Batman, "Any of this mean anything to you?" He holds up a green envelope with is labeled "To the Batman". Batman steps into full view as he slowly approaches the envelope Gordon's holding.
We then cut to the police speaking before a group of reporters in the street, while Bruce's eyes, smeared with black makeup, watch intently from the shadows.
Next, we hear the voice of Bruce's mentor and butler Alfred Pennyworth (Andy Serkis) tell Bruce, "You've become quite the celebrity." Bruce enters the Batcave on a motorcycle and removes his helmet.
We glimpse Bruce rescuing a young boy as a car crashes into the inside of a church during what appears to be a funeral service for the victim. A man suddenly appears with a cell phone taped to his hand and a note taped to his chest that reads "To the Batman".
"Why's he writing to you?" asks Alfred in a voiceover.
We then cut to a masked Selina Kyle (Zoë Kravitz), who slides down a rope from a skylight and begins to break into something.
We hear an electronically distorted voice say "IF YOU ARE JUSTICE, PLEASE DO NOT LIE" as we see Batman shoving some cops until Gordon intervenes, followed by Selina fighting Batman. "WHAT IS THE PRICE FOR YOUR BLIND EYE?" asks the ominous voice, which presumably belongs to The Riddler (Paul Dano).
In another scene, Batman is confronted by a threatening gang wearing Joker-like makeup. "What are you supposed to be?" asks the leader.
Batman begins to brutally pummel the leader several times, knocking him unconscious. "I'm vengeance," he replies.
We see the rear rocket engine of the new version of the Batmobile, which looks like a souped-up muscle car, ignite as the engines rev up. Someone states "Whoa! This guy's crazy!" as Batman evades police by firing a grappling hook line upward.
The official logo for The Batman comes into view in block red letters, followed by a final scene of Bruce taking off his mask in the Batcave. Over a computer, the Riddler's voice tells him, "You're part of this, too."
"How am I part of this?" asks Bruce.
"You'll see," replies the Riddler in an extremely creepy tone.
If you'd like to see the new trailer, you can check it out below thanks to the official Warner Bros. Pictures account on YouTube...
The Batman is currently expected to arrive in theaters on October 1, ?0?1.
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