Monday, October 7, 2019

TITANTALK 041: "Deathstroke" Is Up!

"You never learn, do you?  Always the hero.  But you’re not gonna dictate how this will go.  You’re not a martyr.  You’re a con man, preying on those weak enough to follow you.  The problem with con men is that they never know when to stop...and someone else always pays."
-- Deathstroke to Dick Grayson, Titans: "Deathstroke"

Hello again, Titans fans!  My fellow TitanTalker Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Deathstroke", the fifth episode from Season 2 of the DC Universe series Titans, featuring Esai Morales as Deathstroke, Michael Mosley as Doctor Light, Curran Walters as Jason Todd, Chelsea Zhang as Rose Wilson!

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like more technical difficulties, Beast Boy getting sidelined in Season 2, Jason intentionally trying to annoy Doctor Light, Jason being smart but impulsive, Esai Morales being a better Deathstroke than Manu Bennett, Deathstroke being the Darth Vader of DC Comics, Deathstroke pissing Doctor Light off just by sitting still, why you should never fuck with Deathstroke, Doctor Light being a Nickelback fan, more of Jesse's outdated pop-culture references, Deathstroke bringing a really big bowl of water out to wet a sharpening stone, Dawn calling out Dick for reopening Titans Tower, Jesse thinking there's no need for a traitor in this version of "The Judas Contract", Friday Night Lights, Rose calling out Gar for not telling Rachel how he feels about her, Gar and Rachel's big fight about keeping secrets, Rachel only trusting Kory with what's really going on with her, the awkward moment when Rose listens to Hank wanting to turn her over to Deathstroke to get Jason back, the original Titans considering Kory adult enough to know about what they're up to, Kory telling Donna that she's a princess on Tamaran, Kory telling Rachel that her people wear Sawar bracelets until they're mature enough to control their Starfire power, Deathstroke telling Dick he's not in control of his attempt at martyrdom, Dick and Kory's epic fight with Deathstroke, Jason as Robin the Boy Hostage, wondering how Jason can hold onto the side of a building but not be able to hold Dick's grip, the mystery helicopter, the bad trend of Titans dragging out cliffhangers an extra week to fit in a flashback episode, our favorite quotes of the episode, news about the upcoming CW Seed animated series Deathstroke: Knights and Dragons, some new Tell It to TitanTalk feedback from Steven Marshall, The Grudge, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week for Episode 042 as Jesse and I discuss "Conner", the sixth episode from Season 2 of the DC Universe series Titans, featuring the debut of Joshua Orpin as Superboy!  Look for more of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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