Friday, July 29, 2016

Wizard World Columbus 2016: Day One Photos

The first day of Wizard World Columbus 2016 inside the Greater Columbus Convention Center was a warm and muggy affair.  With most comic creators biding their time until the Cincinnati Comic Expo, there was a good-sized crowd for what was essentially half a day at another rather overpriced Wizard World convention.  I only spotted a few of the celebrity guests -- Nichelle Nichols, Sam Jones and Amy Jo Johnson -- but I made my major purchase of the first issue to Marvel's original Star Wars series, along with a bunch of classic and modern era Suicide Squad.  

And yes, I managed to get some photos from inside the convention...Enjoy!

Rey takes BB-8 out for walkies

Mary Marvel or Sexy Captain Marvel.  You make the call.

Nichelle Nichols.  Legend.

Heat Wave & Captain Cold are about to boost the Mystery Machine

Genderbend Joker was my favorite cosplay from Day One

If you'd like to see more pics from Wizard World Columbus, I've set up an album on my Facebook page HERE.  On to Day Two!

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