Friday, April 8, 2016

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 056: "The Thousand Worlds" is Up!

"Orders!  Orders!  Orders!  It’s all about orders, isn’t it?  What a pretty little regiment of Daleks we’ve all become."
-- The War Doctor to Cardinal Ollistra, Doctor Who: "The Thousand Worlds"

Returning from the farthest reaches of time and space, my good friend and co-host Jesse Jackson and I are finally back with a new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  We're reviewing the second audio adventure from Big Finish Productions' first War Doctor set Only the Monstrous, "The Thousand Worlds" starring John Hurt!

This time, Jesse and I discuss things like Jesse feeling tricked by the cliffhanger, the War Doctor being snarky, the Doctor's antagonistic relationship with the Time Lords, John Hurt taking the role of the War Doctor, Carolyn Seymour as the older Rejoice and her previous work on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager, gender-specific names with Time Lords, Seratrix and the Daleks, Jesse eggs-stir-minating some eggs in his kitchen while we record (I'm not kidding about this), Jesse dropping out of a Daredevil podcast, The Fandom Zone Podcast gaining on Next Stop Everywhere, Jesse's road trip with his son Chris to see Bruce Springsteen, my Reverse the Polarity segment, the recent casting announcement for the Doctor Who spinoff Classand more!

And for those who still aren't aware of this yet, we're available on iTunes RIGHT HERE as well as Stitcher RIGHT HERE, so please subscribe and tell your friends about us. If you're looking for direct MP3 downloads, you can find them RIGHT HERE as well. Oh, and don't forget we have an officially official Next Stop Everywhere Facebook page and Twitter account, so be sure to Like and/or Follow us, okay?

And hey, if you'd like to pick up the officially official Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show!

Be sure to come back soon for our review of the third War Doctor audio adventure from Big Finish Productions, "The Heart of the Battle" starring John Hurt, and look for more of Next Stop Everywhere on iTunes, Libsyn, Soundcloud, Sticher, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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