Friday, March 4, 2016

Green Lantern Isn't in JUSTICE LEAGUE PART 1, Maybe Not in PART 2

In brightest day, in blackest night, no Justice League movie is in Green Lantern's sight...

Entertainment Weekly has revealed that DC Comics character Green Lantern won't be on the team roster for Zack Snyder's upcoming Justice League Part 1 in 2017 and may not even be there for Part 2 in 2019.

Speaking with Greg Silverman, the president of creative development and worldwide production at Warner Bros., EW inquired about what Warner Bros. has planned for DC's flagship superteam and learned that Green Lantern may not return to the big screen until the film Green Lantern Corps in 2020.

"[Green Lantern] is an incredible character," said Silverman.  "He’s actually multiple incredible characters.  There’s real opportunity there.  We didn’t do a great job on that first Green Lantern movie.  This is a character who deserves to be treated in the same way that Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman are being treated now, which is with great reverence.  I guess I can say to the Green Lantern fans: if they can be patient with us, I think they’ll be really happy."

Meanwhile, producer Charles Roven, who also produced Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy and is part of the braintrust overseeing the DC film adaptations, suggested that Green Lantern may not be in Justice League Part 2.  "Every beat of the movie is not yet worked out," remarked Roven.  "So there’s the possibility that he may or may not be in Justice League 2.  For now, we felt that we were introducing enough characters that the best possible place we could put Green Lantern is some introduction in Justice League 2, or barring that, a movie after."

Green Lantern Corps will reportedly feature both Hal Jordan and John Stewart in a reboot of the Green Lantern film from 2011 starring Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan.  The film underperformed at the box office, bringing in $220 million worldwide with a reported production budget of $200 million.

Justice League Part 1 is scheduled to arrive in theaters on November 17, 2017, with Part 2 following on June 14, 2019, and Green Lantern Corps on June 19, 2020.

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