Tuesday, March 22, 2016

THE FANDOM ZONE 052: "Bang" is Up!

"It’s not underwear, Foggy.  Underwear is comfortable."
– Matt Murdock to Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Daredevil: "Bang"

You guessed it, Karen Lindsay and I are back with another huge episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  

This week's reviews of comics on television include:

The Walking Dead
6x13 -- "The Same Boat"
Supergirl 1x16 -- "Falling"Gotham 2x14 -- "This Ball of Mud and Meanness"
Lucifer 1x08 -- "Et Tu, Doctor?"
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3x12 -- "The Inside Man"
Daredevil 2x01 -- "Bang"
Daredevil 2x02 -- "Dogs to a Gunfight"

This time, we talk about things like DC's new Legends of Tomorrow comic, when The Fonz stopped being cool on Happy Days, the greatness of a female-centric episode of The Walking Dead, Carol going into BatCarol mode, Carol and Paula taking different roads, fun with Red Kryptonite, Kara making a supervillain out of her office rival, CBS' gratuitious use of The Talk on Supergirl, the resetting of Cigarette Tar Kryptonite Evil Superman from Superman III, the Second Rule of Gotham Fight Club, the greatness of Lori Petty, the greatness of Jim Rash, teasing the arrival of Eden Fesi a.k.a. Manifold, Daredevil having no time for Turk being Turk, the Punisher being smarter than the NYPD, the Daredevil issue of The Punisher maxi-series by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, another new Justina reviewand more!

You can check out the episode HERE and for those of you who use iTunes, we're already available HERE, so please subscribe and rate us! If direct download MP3s are more your thing, you can find those HERE as well. In addition, you can Like us on The Fandom Zone Facebook show page, which you can check out HERE. And we're also on Twitter using the account @FandomZoneCast.

And hey, if you're interested in an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt, you can get those on TeePublic HERE as well!

Be sure to come back next week for our One Year Anniversary (!!!), as we review Episode 3 of Daredevil Season 2, along with new episodes of The Walking Dead, Gotham, Supergirl, Lucifer, The Flash, iZombie, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Arrow, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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