Monday, February 15, 2016

DAREDEVIL Season 2 Trailer Teases The Punisher & Elektra

The Man Without Fear's life is about to get way more complicated.

Netflix has released the first of two trailers for the second season of their hit series Daredevil, based on the Marvel Comics superhero.  In this two-minute, forty-second trailer, we see that Matt Murdock is about to encounter a new player in town, The Punisher (Jon Bernthal), and face the return of an old flame, Elektra Natchios (Élodie Yung).

The trailer opens with images of Frank Castle's home, as we hear him whisper "One batch, two batch" from a children's book as he readies one of his weapons.

We then see Matt having another discussion with Father Lantom (Peter McRobbie), his priest from Season One.  "Father, why do I still feel guilty?" Matt asks.

"The guilt," replies Father Lantom, "means your work is not yet finished."

At the scene of multiple murders, Matt meets up with an NYPD cop to get some information.  "Downtown office thinks we got a new player in Hell's Kitchen," remarks the detective.

"What do they want?" asks Matt, apparently thinking this was a gang hit.

"D.A.'s office says the shooter is independent," replies the cop.  "He's tracking gangs to their home turf and taking them out with military precision, with knowledge and hardware to take out half the city.  Hell's Kitchen is about to explode."

As we see The Punisher blowing up something and watching with cold detachment, we hear the voice of Karen Page (Deborah Ann Woll) discussing the new threat.  "Maybe we created him," Karen remarks to Matt Murdock.  "All of us."

"There's no connection," replies Matt.  

"We never stopped to think that Daredevil's actions could open the door for men like this," Karen adds, as she studies the X-ray of someone's skull, teasing the Punisher's familiar chest emblem from the comics.  

"How much longer before innocent people start getting caught in his crossfire?" Matt asks as The Punisher takes out another target with a sniper rifle.

We cut to a heated discussion between Matt and Foggy Nelson (Elden Henson).  "Blood is being shed!" Matt exclaims.

"And you've donated more than your fair share!" counters Foggy as we see someone (probably Matt), wringing blood out of a wet article of clothing.

We briefly see the return of Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson), who tells Foggy, "The city needs him."

Cut to The Punisher, who says to Daredevil, "I need to take care of the scum that killed my family"

We see Daredevil in another hallway fight, as Daredevil continues the discussion.  "People don't have to die."

"You hit 'em and they get back up, I hit 'em and they stay down," counters The Punisher.

We see The Punisher shooting at Daredevil, who asks why he's doing this.

"Because I think you're a half measure," replies The Punisher.  "I think you're a man who can't finish the job.  I think that you're a coward."

"You know you're one bad day away from being me," he adds.

Lastly, we see Matt returning home to find his college girlfriend Elektra waiting for him on the couch.  "Hello, Matthew," she says with a calm demeanor.

If you'd like to check out the first trailer, you can view it below thanks to the official Netflix account on YouTube...

The second trailer will be released on February 25th, while Daredevil Season Two will be released on Netflix on March 18, 2016.

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