Wednesday, February 11, 2015

DANGEROUS HABITS 012: "Angels and Ministers of Grace" is Up!

"I want to tell you something about me that nobody knows.  I wake up every morning, and for the first five minutes of the day, I imagine that everyone I care about is dead.  I lie there, and...I meditate on that.  So that when it inevitably happens, then, uh... it lessens the blow."

My friend and co-host Karen Lindsay and I are back with another episode of Dangerous Habits: The Constantine Podcast!

We give our thoughts on "Angels and Ministers of Grace," the possibly penultimate episode of NBC's Constantine, including things like Hamlet by way of Star Trek, heroin vs. crystal meth
, Chas' injuries counting as his 47 lives, Karen's icky file folder face, signing up your enemies for Penthouse magazine, John Constantine on the beach, breaking the fourth wall, getting rid of that damn scrying map, aspiring writer tips, how to distract someone with a screwdriver, Schwarzenegger tumor resets, the Prime Directive for angels, Torchwood: Miracle Day, Sloth from The Goonies, DC Comics supervillain Eclipso, the real Dr. Galen, that Cinelinx rumor about Constantine moving to Syfy and being renamed Hellblazer, upcoming DC Comics series Constantine: The Hellblazer, listener support for Karen taking more pain meds, important advice for Karen's podcast crushes, and more!

You can check out the episode HERE and for those of you who use iTunes, we're already available HERE, so please subscribe and rate us! If direct download MP3s are more your thing, you can find those HERE as well. In addition, we have our Dangerous Habits show page on Facebook, which you can check out HERE. And we're also on Twitter using the account @DangerousHabit5 because some bloody arse already claimed @DangerousHabits.

Be sure to share these with all of your friends, enemies, demons, angels, sorcerers, ghosts, whomever, and help build our new podcast into something special. Oh, and send us your thoughts about the show or the podcast via Twitter and Facebook. As soon as we get some more, we'll be reading them on the podcast.

Don't forget to watch the season (hopefully not series) finale, "Waiting for the Man," this Friday on NBC, then keep checking iTunes, Libsyn and the Southgate Media Group website for our next Constantine review!

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