Wednesday, February 4, 2015

DANGEROUS HABITS 011: "A Whole World Out There" is Up!

"Well, you know me.  I'm well-versed in the art of pretending to be a gentleman."

Getting back on track somewhat, my friend and co-host Karen Lindsay and I are back with the next episode of Dangerous Habits: The Constantine Podcast!

We give our thoughts on "A Whole World Out There," the eleventh episode of NBC's Constantine, including things like the impressive resume of director Thomas J. Wright, Karen's big secret wish, what would happen if Disney bought DC Comics, the fictional DC Comics city Ivy Town and Ivy University, the mini Lost reunion, drinking alone to Warren Zevon, what the hell happened to Johnny Depp's career, the deepness of transcendence and enlightenment, the Outlander book and television series' connection to Doctor Who, Jeremy Davies' Matthew McConaughey impression, shoutouts to Hellblazer #7, the a-ha music video for "Take On Me," 
Ritchie Simpson becoming The One, casting Matt Ryan in Guillermo del Toro's upcoming Dark Universe, The comic strip Bloom County and Karen's crush on Steve Dallas, the arrival of @Predator_Cat on the Twitter masheen, my depressingly low amount of Twitter followers, and more!

You can check out the episode HERE and for those of you who use iTunes, we're already available HERE, so please subscribe and rate us! If direct download MP3s are more your thing, you can find those HERE as well. In addition, we have our Dangerous Habits show page on Facebook, which you can check out HERE. And we're also on Twitter using the account @DangerousHabit5 because some bloody arse already claimed @DangerousHabits.

Be sure to share these with all of your friends, enemies, demons, angels, sorcerers, ghosts, whomever, and help build our new podcast into something special. Oh, and send us your thoughts about the show or the podcast via Twitter and Facebook. As soon as we get some more, we'll be reading them on the podcast.

Don't forget to watch the next episode, "Angels and Ministers of Grace," this Friday on NBC, then keep checking iTunes, Libsyn and the Southgate Media Group website for our next Constantine review!

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