Thursday, May 8, 2014

THE FLASH Picked Up by The CW for Fall 2014

The Fastest Man is alive!

The CW television network announced their 2014-15 slate today and The Hollywood Reporter confirms that Arrow spinoff The Flash has been picked up as a new drama series.  The show is one of four new series ordered by The CW, including iZombie (based on the DC Comics/VERTIGO comic book series), Jane the Virgin and The Messengers.

Barring any cast changes, The Flash will star the following actors:

Grant Gustin as The Flash/Barry Allen, a Central City assistant police forensic investigator who receives his powers after being caught in a chemical explosion at a lab caused by a lightning strike, following an incident at S.T.A.R. Labs with their particle accelerator.

Candice Patton as Iris West, Barry's best friend, possible love interest and daughter of...

Jesse L. Martin as Iris' father Detective West, a member of the Central City Police Department who acts as a surrogate father to Barry.

Rick Cosnett as (future Reverse-Flash) Eddie Thawne, a recent transfer to the Central City Police Department, whose past is a mystery and harbors a dark secret.

Danielle Panabaker as (future Killer Frost) Caitlin Snow, a highly intelligent bioengineering expert who lost her fiancé during an explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs.

Carlos Valdes as (future Vibe) Cisco Ramon, a mechanical engineering genius who is the youngest member of the team of scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs.

Tom Cavanagh as Harrison Wells, the mind and money behind Central City’s S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator, who becomes a pariah after the lab explodes until he learns he helped create The Flash.

In addition, recurring characters for the series will include former TV Flash John Wesley Shipp in an unnamed role, Michelle Harrison as Barry's mother Nora Allen, and Patrick Sabongui as CCPD captain David Singh.

Gustin first appeared as Barry Allen earlier this year in the Arrow episodes "The Scientist" and "Three Ghosts," while Panabaker and Valdes' characters were introduced later on in the episode "The Man Under the Hood."

The Flash is expected to debut on The CW sometime this fall.

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