Friday, September 20, 2013

Ohio Comic Con 2013: Day One Photos

A very humid but very productive first day at the Wizard World Ohio Comic Con 2013 inside the Greater Columbus Convention Center.  There were plenty of great bargains to be found in comics bins and a surprisingly large number of people cosplaying compared to the first day last year.  Also managed to catch glimpses of William Shatner, Summer Glau and Michael Rooker signing at their tables, but thanks to the Wizard World Photo Police, sadly no photos for me to share.  You'll just have to trust me they were there.

However, here are some photos I was able to take inside the convention...Enjoy!

Clara Oswin Oswald, a.k.a. Souffle Girl from Doctor Who!
Me with Darick Robertson, artist of The Boys and Transmetropolitan
Destiny from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman (Points for originality!)

Dale Horvath (!), Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead
Spoon!  Errrrr, I mean Spawn!

If you'd like to see more pics from Ohio Comic Con, I've set up an album on my Facebook page HERE.

See you back at the convention tomorrow!

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