Sunday, March 10, 2013

Kyle MacLachlan Does the TWIN PEAKS Harlem Shake

I have no idea where this YouTube video will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.

Okay, I'm a bit late to the dance party on this one, but a few weeks ago, Official Comedy released a short video of actor Kyle MacLachlan doing the popular internet meme based around Baauer's song "Harlem Shake."  Well, everyone has jumped on this bandwagon of late, including The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Simpsons and Saturday Night Live, so if there's another one, it must be a day ending in the letter Y.

This particular Harlem Shake, however, features MacLachlan back in the hellish Black Lodge from Twin Peaks, with various other people referencing a number of things from the cult classic 1990-91 ABC television series.  MacLachlan, who starred as Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper, starts off the video bopping along and wearing the mask worn by the Jumping Man from the movie Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me in front of the familiar Red Room curtains inside the Black Lodge.

All at once, the image cuts to the unmasked MacLachlan smiling and holding a cup of damn good coffee, surrounded by Laura Palmer wrapped in plastic, the Little Man from Another Place, eyepatch-wearing Nadine Hurley, someone holding the Log Lady's log, someone holding up a picture of an owl, someone holding up the deer's head that was resting on a table inside the Twin Peaks police station, and someone holding a plate of doughnuts beloved by Cooper and Twin Peaks police officers.  MacLachlan even takes a sip of coffee and spits it out in a recreation of Cooper uttering the line "Damn good coffee...and hot!" that obviously inspired the name of this very blog.

If you'd like to check out the video, and who wouldn't, you can see it below thanks to Official Comedy...

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