Sunday, January 19, 2025

THE FANDOM ZONE 312: "Priyatel Skelet" Is Up!

"Um...Maybe we can make it, like, fun? You know, do something to pass the time. Do you guys have Scattergories?"
-- Nina Mazursky, Creature Commandos -- "Priyatel Skelet"

Hello again, everyone! DJ Nik and I are back for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast! This time, we discuss "Priyatel Skelet", the sixth episode from Creature Commandos Season One, starring the voices of Alan Tudyk as Dr. Phosphorus, Indira Varma as The Bride, and Zoë Chao as Nina Mazursky!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like Nik awaiting the Supercoppa Italiana, the adaptation of Dr. Phosphorus' origin living up to Nik's expectations, Nik waiting for the Commandos to get to the bloody castle, wondering what a podcast with Shohreh Aghdashloo and Con O'Neill would be like, some comics background on Doctor Phosphorus and Rupert Thorne, the Bride and Nina Mazursky taking refuge in a brothel, wondering if Rick Flag Sr. can be rebuilt like the Six Million Dollar Man, Weasel playing fetch with a pack of wolves that were about to kill him, worrying about Weasel trying to protect Princess Ilana, Dr. Phosphorus getting framed by Rupert Thorne for the murder of his own wife and son, James Gunn making the Creature Commandos sympathetic, the first appearance of Batman in the new DC Universe, wondering how Dr. Phosphorus practiced his dance choreography with his henchmen, the Bride's owning move of literally ripping her enemy's heart and showing it to him before crushing it in her hand, cats having to look cool and not show that they care about you, that awkward moment when Yana's parents show up and find her hanging out with Dr. Phosphorus, our favorite quotes of the episode, my upcoming story for DC Comics' anthology DC's Lex and the City, Nik's recent appearance on Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast, wondering if Nina's backstory will be the most dark and tragic, and more! 

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Be sure to come back next week when DJ Nik and I discuss "A Very Funny Monster", the Creature Commandos Season One finale, on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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