Sunday, October 22, 2023

THE FANDOM ZONE 279: "Breaking Brad" Is Up!

"Stop trying to be a hero, man! You're a villain. You're good at it. Do that."
"Thank you, Brad...very much. I really am touched. You know, you're right. I have done some terrible, awful things. Yeah, maybe that is who I am, and who knows? It's the real me. A loser. Always have been, always will be. And perhaps I've been...holding something back. Perhaps I've just been biding my time. Perhaps I've just been waiting for a moment like this, so I can do terrible, awful things to you."
-- Brad Wolfe and Loki Laufeyson, Loki -- "Breaking Brad"

Hello again, everyone! We're back for another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, DJ Nik and I discuss "Breaking Brad", the second episode of Loki Season 2, featuring Tom Hiddleston as Loki Laufeyson, Owen Wilson as Mobius M. Mobius, Sophia Di Martino as Sylvie, and Rafael Casal as Hunter X-5/Brad Wolfe!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I talk about things like expressing our sympathies to those affected by the recent Hamas massacre, being initially thrown by the disjointed opening and wondering if we missed an episode since last week, Casey geeking out with Ouroboros, our love of the Loki theme music, some comics background on Zaniac and Brad Wolfe, the Easter Egg posters at the Leopold Theater, the Phone Ranger, Loki becoming very comfortable working for the TVA, Brad being an abusive douchenozzle, Loki and Mobius having slices of key lime pie that isn't supposed to be green, the great reminder that Loki still has darker, villainous tendencies, the great interrogation scene of Loki and Brad, wondering whether Loki enjoyed torturing Brad or not, the possibility that Mobius could be from Florida, Loki and Mobius failing miserably at using the TVA Handbook, our plea for sponsorship from McDonald's, Loki and Sylvie's reunion since the season finale of Season 1, General Dox pruning all the branched timelines, Sylvie being a nomad by nature, Loki and Sylvie both deciding if they have to be what people expect them to be, our favorite quotes of the episode, both of us looking forward to The Marvels, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week when DJ Nik and I discuss "1893", the third episode of Loki Season 2, on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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