Wednesday, October 12, 2022

GHOSTWOOD 118: "From Hell" Is Up!

"What's wrong? You think I was born a whore? Oh that's right, England doesn't have whores, just a great mass of very unlucky women."
-- Mary Kelly, From Hell

It is happening again...My amazing co-host Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we continue our retrospective of Twin Peaks Actors in Other Films by discussing From Hell, the 2001 period slasher film directed by the Hughes Brothers, starring Heather Graham as Mary Kelly, Johnny Depp as Inspector Frederick Abberline, Robbie Coltrane as Sgt. George Godley, and Sir Ian Holm as Sir William Gull!


In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan getting into a Facebook feud, Xan and I sharing a brain frequency, Xan hearing the song "96 Tears" right after hearing the B-52's "Deadbeat Club", the Canonical Five victims of Jack the Ripper and his speculated other victims, the graphic novel From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell, Xan's husband Chris Sprouse co-creating Tom Strong with Alan Moore, historically accurate moments of From Hell, Alan Moore's theory of Sir William Gull with Monarchy and Masonic connections to the Jack the Ripper murders, the xenophobia and bigotry against Jews and foreigners, other theories to the Jack the Ripper murders, the horrible effects of syphilis, people not caring what happens to prostitutes, Abberline getting too close to the truth about the Free Masons, Johnny Depp and Heather Graham not being able to do a decent Cockney accent, the British Royal Family having problems because they're so socially repressed, Sir William Gull noticing that Abberline is an opium addict, the symbolic meaning of the shot of two coins placed over the eyes of Abberline's dead body, the adaptation of From Hell working better as a 6-hour TV miniseries, Gull meeting the Elephant Man, the cleverness of using grapes to attract Jack the Ripper's victims, wondering why two Americans were cast as the leads in a movie set in 19th century London, Doctor Who connections to From Hell, my story "The Midnight Hour" for DC Comics' Terrors Through Time anthology, Xan and I finally having a new Criterion Collection version of a David Lynch film to discuss, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

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Be sure to come back in two weeks, as Xan and I discuss the new Criterion Collection release of Lost Highway, the 1997 neo-noir film directed by David Lynch, starring Bill Pullman as Fred Madison, Patricia Arquette as Renee Madison/Alice Wakefield, and Robert Blake as The Mystery Man!

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