Monday, July 20, 2020

THE FANDOM ZONE 185: "Brainwave" Is Up!

"Help us find out who else is in the Injustice Society, then we can stop them from killing anyone else. You know they kill people, right Henry? Joey Zarick, his dad, my dad."
"Yeah, well, maybe they all deserved it."
"Joey deserved it?  Do you really believe that?"
"He was a nice kid."
"Yeah, he was. Why aren’t you?"
-- Courtney Whitmore and Henry King Jr., Stargirl: "Brainwave"

Hello again, everyone!  My co-host Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Brainwave", the ninth episode of the DC Universe/CW series Stargirl, featuring Brec Bassinger as Stargirl, Luke Wilson as Pat Dugan, Christopher James Baker as Brainwave, and Jake Austin Walker as Henry King Jr.!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like wondering who invites their boss over to family dinner at the last minute, some background on Brainwave and the Seven Soldiers of Victory in the comics, Janitor Justin hallucinating the Cosmic Staff, Courtney wanting to bring Henry King Jr. into the new Justice Society, waiting for Yolanda and Henry to sit down and hash out why Yolanda is pissed off at him, Courtney finding out that Pat and Sylvester belonged to the Seven Soldiers of Victory, Jesse wondering how Henry King Jr. knew how to use a VCR, Henry Jr. thinking his father was right about people being monsters, the Mahkents coming over to dinner, the trope about the bad guy confronting the hero in their own home, the Icicle being interested in Barbara, Courtney noticing that Jordan picked up a scalding hot pan without any trouble, Barbara learning that Courtney is Stargirl, Pat needing to do a better job of hiding his S.T.R.I.P.E. armor, the Dragon King gassing his own daughter, the Injustice Society finally revealing their big plan to take over a chunk of the United States, our favorite quotes of the episode, Stargirl getting picked up for Season 2, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and WandaVision being delayed, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I discuss "Brainwave Jr.", the tenth episode of the DC Universe/CW series Stargirl, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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