Tuesday, November 19, 2019

THE FANDOM ZONE 168: "If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your Own" Is Up!

"Well, people who wear masks are driven by trauma.  They’re obsessed with justice, because of some injustice they suffered, usually when they were kids.  Ergo, the mask.  It hides the pain."
"I wear the mask to protect myself."
"Right.  From the pain.  So, did nuns murder your parents?  Or were you raised by nuns after your parents were murdered?  No judgment, I used to dress up and fight bad guys too."
-- Laurie Blake and Sister Night, Watchmen: "If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your Own"

Hello again, everyone!  My co-host Jesse Jackson and I have returned with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "If You Don't Like My Story, Write Your Own", the fourth episode of the HBO series Watchmen, introducing Hong Chau as Lady Trieu, and featuring Regina King as Sister Night and Jean Smart as Laurie Blake!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like the Chinua Achebe novel Things Fall Apart, Lady Trieu's mini-me "daughter" Bian, Lady Trieu offering the Clarks a baby for their house and land, the nod to Superman and the Kents, Lady Trieu's Millennium Clock being more than a clock, Lady Trieu being an acolyte of Ozymandias, Will Reeves working with Lady Trieu, Lady Trieu talking Vietnamese with Sister Night, Lady Trieu possibly being the new Big Bad, Laurie psychoanalyzing Sister Night's reasons for wearing a mask, Cal telling his kids that heaven is pretend, Angela trying to pick a fight with Cal by spoiling the ending of Things Fall Apart, Cal lying for Angela even though he hates to lie, Cal's mystery accident, Sister Night claiming her car that was dropped from the sky, Angela giving Wade the Klan robe she found in Judd's closet, Angela learning about her great-grandparents, Senator Keene dropping the fact that he knows Sister Night's real name, Sister Night chasing after Lube Man, the cop connection between Judd's grandfather and Will Reeves, the Thermodynamic Miracle, Adrian fishing for baby Mr. Phillips and Ms. Crookshanks, wondering how Adrian has an aging machine, Adrian being completely insane and psychotic, Adrian plotting to escape his mystery prison, our favorite quotes of the episode, Max Allan Collins' Road to Perdition, news about the end of the Hulu series Runaways, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I review "Little Fear of Lightning", the fifth episode of HBO's Watchmen, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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