Monday, November 11, 2019

THE FANDOM ZONE 166: "Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship" Is Up!

"There are people who believe this world is far and good.  That it's all lollipops and rainbows.  I remember what happened to my parents.  You remember what happened to your parents.  You and me, Topher, we don't do lollipops and rainbows, because we know those are just pretty colors that just hide what the world really is -- black and white."
-- Angela Abar, Watchmen: "Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship"

Hello again, everyone!  My co-host Jesse Jackson and I have returned with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship", the second episode of the HBO series Watchmen, introducing James Wolk as Senator Joe Keene, and featuring Louis Gossett Jr. as Will Reeves, Tom Mison as Mr. Phillips, and Sara Vickers as Ms. Crookshanks!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like a double shot of our podcast love, wanting to see Christopher Eccleston as Doctor Manhattan, American Hero Story being a nod to American Horror Story, the slo-mo homage to Zack Snyder's Watchmen, the ridiculously long FCC warning to TV viewers, James Wolk as Bob Benson on Mad Men, everyone needing to pay attention to Joe Keene, the George Catlin painting Comanche Feats of Martial Horsemanship, Looking Glass mooching food like Rorschach, the Tulsa police uniforms being based on the Watchmen black and yellow design, seeing the events of the White Night massacre, wondering how Angela ended up in the hospital after being shot, learning how Topher and his sisters were adopted, the paparazzi using Mothman's tech, wondering if Judd was set up with the robe in his closet, Adrian being abusive to the Mr. Phillips and Ms. Crookshanks clones, Adrian directing "The Watchmaker's Son" play, Mr. Phillips going full frontal with his "Little Manhattan", Angela having to change into her Sister Night costume to interrogate Will, Angela paying off Andy to get him off her porch, Topher's levitating Lego set, Angela learning that Will is her grandfather, Will getting carjacked by a giant junkyard magnet, Peteypedia's obituary of Judd Crawford, our favorite quotes of the episode, some news about the upcoming Netflix series The Sandman, Jean Smart on FX's Legion, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I review "Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship", the second episode of HBO's Watchmen, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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