Tuesday, January 29, 2019

GHOSTWOOD 049: "Drive With a Dead Girl" is Up!

"Look, I’ve had enough of the mumbo jumbo.  I’ve had enough of the dreams, the visions, the dwarves, the giants, Tibet, and the rest of the hocus-pocus."
-- Sheriff Harry S. Truman to Special Agent Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks: "Drive With a Dead Girl"

It is happening again...My co-host with the most Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  This time, we continue our commentary tracks as we watch "Drive With a Dead Girl," the eighth episode from Twin Peaks Season Two in 1990, featuring the introduction of Vivian and Ernie "The Professor" Niles, Pete Martell visiting Ben Horne in jail, and Leland Palmer going for a drive in his convertible!


In our latest episode, Xan and I discuss things like Xan rocking some new eyewear, BOB enjoying the ride inside Leland, the man with a zipped-up gym bag, The Hidden, Mark Frost's brother Scott, how I approach canon, Melissa McCarthy as Sookie St. James on Gilmore Girls, David Fincher's sister Emily as Louise Dombrowski, wondering why Maddy never appeared in the Black Lodge even though she was killed by BOB, my Northern Exposure book Chris-in-the-Morning: Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada, Leland/BOB hitting golf balls in his living room, Xan having a hard time with Ben brushing his teeth in jail, Jerry Horne being the worst lawyer ever, wondering how Ben kept his cigar lighter in jail, a flashback with young Ben and Jerry watching Louise Dombrowski dancing with a flashlight, Hawk's great comeback to Gwen's racist comment, Leland singing in the reign of terror, Jessica Lange in American Horror Story: Freakshow, Cooper trying to engage in locker room talk with Ben, Madchen Amick still looking good while covered in baby food, waiting for the Law of Averages to kick in on Bobby's get-rich-quick schemes, Vivian taking a bite off Toad's plate, Vivian and Ernie deserving one another, Deputy Expendable not checking the corner, Hank laying his sob story on Norma, Andy thinking Gwen's baby is Lucy's, Pete tormenting Ben with a giant cassette player, Ben's jail cell tantrum, the Leland Palmer School of Driving, BOB almost hitting Cooper with Leland's golf club, Gwen not respecting Andy's personal space, Ben being formally charged with Laura's murder, Hank not knowing how to be a gentleman while having dinner, neither of us liking warm milk, Audrey seeing Cooper with his shirt off, the discovery of Maddy's body, trying to figure out the Twin Peaks illegal drugs food chain, wanting Judy Greer in Twin Peaks Season 4, trying to persuade Xan to guest host on Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast, Xan sending me a cool magnet, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

iTunes -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
Ghostwood's Facebook page
Ghostwood's Twitter account

Be sure to come back in two weeks for our big 50th episode, as Xan and I continue our commentary tracks as we watch "Arbitrary Law," the ninth episode from Twin Peaks Season Two in 1990, featuring a return to Mrs. Tremond's apartment, Catherine visiting Ben in jail as Mr. Tojamura, and the tragic conclusion of the "Who killed Laura Palmer?" mystery!  Look for more of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast on iTunes, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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