Wednesday, July 18, 2018

SUPERGIRL Casts Sam Witwer as Agent Liberty

Supergirl keeps making casting decisions by watching old episodes of Smallville.

Entertainment Weekly revealed that the CW series Supergirl has cast Sam Witwer as Benjamin Lockwood, better known to DC Comics fans as the superhero Agent Liberty, for the show's upcoming fourth season.

According to the article, Agent Liberty is described as "the ruthless and terrifying founder and figurehead of Children of Liberty, a hate group that supports a human-first world order."

Witwer, 40, is best known as Davis Bloome, the human form of Superman villain Doomsday, on Smallville, and as the vampire Aidan Waite on the U.S. version of Being Human.  His other roles include the voice of Maul in Solo: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the voice of Ocean Master in Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, and episodes of Once Upon a Time, Battlestar Galactica (2004), The Walking Dead, Star Trek: Enterprise, Angel, Grimm, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Dexter, Bones, Dark Angel, She Spies, JAG, and ER.

Created in 1991 by Dan Jurgens, Agent Liberty first appeared in Superman (vol.2) #60 as Benjamin Lockwood, who once worked for the CIA but ultimately left in disgust with their methods and the types of missions he was being asked to undertake.  He later became so disenchanted with the Federal Government as a whole that he joined the paramilitary group called the Sons Of Liberty, who outfitted him with the costume and weaponry he uses as Agent Liberty.  This equipment could generate a force-shield of energy capable of deflecting bullets, weapons such as retracting blades, and a jetpack that allowed him to fly for short distances.  Agent Liberty was also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant.

In the beginning, Lockwood used his Agent Liberty alias to help the Sons' stated cause of overturning the current governmental regime, which brought him into conflict with Superman.  However, when the Sons' leadership asked him to perform an assassination of politician Pete Ross, Lockwood refused, and left the Sons to go solo.  During his time working with the Sons, Agent Liberty also briefly assisted the Justice League against the villain Brainiac in the crossover event "Panic in the Sky".

After briefly serving as a member of Justice League America following Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday, Agent Liberty was apparently killed when Superwoman used her heat vision on him after she caught him spying on Sam Lane and Lex Luthor.  His body was dumped in Metropolis Harbor, where it was discovered and brought ashore by a group of boaters.  During an autopsy, it was discovered that Agent Liberty's suit had sent out a distress signal at the moment of his death, leaving clues to who killed him.  Metropolis' Metacrimes Inspector headed the investigation into Agent Liberty's murder, but before he could remove Liberty's armor, Lucy Lane had Agent Liberty's body removed from Metropolis City Hospital.

Supergirl will return to The CW for Season 4 on October 14, 2018.

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