Tuesday, June 5, 2018

THE FANDOM ZONE 138: "A Devil of My Word" is Up!

"It's all true."
-- Chloe Decker to Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer: "A Devil of My Word" 

After a successful liberation attempt, Karen and I are back with another HUGE episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This week's reviews of comics on television include:

Lucifer 3x24: "A Devil of My Word"  (Season Finale)
Legion 2x07: "Chapter 15"
Gotham 4x22: "No Man's Land"  (Season Finale)
Arrow 6x23: "Life Sentence"  (Season Finale)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 5x22: "The End"  (Season Finale)

In this episode, Karen and I talk about things like my copy of Domino #2 by Gail Simone, why Lucifer's showrunner is a bonehead, how Lucifer's series finale cliffhanger actually works as an ending, Lucifer throwing down with his wings out, being relieved that Ella wasn't completely Team Pierce, Lucifer's second season being its best, Karen's Star Wars geek cred fail, crying over Fry's dog, the subject of moral panic, Fredric Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent creating fear and panic over comic books in the 1950s, John Hammeos, Present Day Syd being jealous of Future Syd, the Shadow King being the hero and David Haller being the villain, Kerry not wanting to eat and poop, the Vermillion being quantum locked like Weeping Angels, David confronting the icky delusion bug, Ra's al Ghul wanting to bring down Gotham in order to make Bruce the "Dark Knight the city needs", Stabby Babs failing to stab Ra's al Ghul, the Penguin finally settling a long grudge against Tabitha, that awkward moment when Lee catches the Riddler torturing Jim Gordon with an industrial press, Stabby Babs going all "men suck" and establishing female-only turf, the first appearance of Man-Bat, Cassandra Cain as Orphan, the debut of the Bruce Signal, Beth Schwartz taking over as Arrow's showrunner, Laurel or Yanni, Oliver Queen's apology tour, the F.B.I. not giving Oliver two minutes to cope with Quentin's death before arresting him, Oliver going all Tony Stark, Mike Grell's Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters, another rant by Karen about not being able to hack a pacemaker, Quentin taking a bullet to save Black Siren, the decision to kill Quentin off camera, Yo-Yo being the only one willing to make the hard call of killing Coulson to save the Earth, Daisy throwing down with Graviton in Chicago, Fitz being Whedoned, Coulson getting a "Spy's Goodbye", the return of Justina's feedback, Lena Luthor not being able to figure out that Kara is Supergirl, and more!

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Be sure to come back tomorrow as Karen and I review the big season finales of The CW's The Flash and Syfy's Krypton, along with new episodes of The CW's Supergirl and FX's Legion, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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