Tuesday, April 14, 2015

THE FANDOM ZONE Episode 004: "Into the Ring" is Up!

"I'm not seeking penance for what I've done, Father.  I'm asking for forgiveness...for what I'm about to do."
-- Matt Murdock, Daredevil: "Into the Ring"

We're back with a new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast, and even better, the ever-awesome Karen is back as well!

This week's reviews of comics on television include:

iZombie 1x04 -- "Liv and Let Clive"
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2x16 -- "Afterlife"
Powers 1x07 -- "You Are Not It"
Daredevil 1x01 -- "Into the Ring"

We talk about things like grammar issues with the song "Live and Let Die," everyone's complete disinterest in Liv's zombie skin tone and hair color, knowing kung fu, Karen busting on me about my show notes, Ravi crushing on Liv, Blaine's Jenny Craig plan for zombies, keeping zombie henchmen in a freezer, the movie Glengary Glen Ross, the awkwardness of jumping the line to becoming an Inhuman, FitzSimmons shippers being happy once again, Deathlok's Matrix-like aircraft flying downloading ability, Powers being overly convoluted again, producing on the fly, Matt's horror at becoming blind, Karen's approval of depicting the visually-impaired, Matt Murdock as a Catholic, taking your shirt off in front of a blind person, the superiority of Daredevil's fights over Arrow's fights, and more!

You can check out the episode HERE and for those of you who use iTunes, we're already available HERE, so please subscribe and rate us! If direct download MP3s are more your thing, you can find those HERE as well. In addition, we have our Fandom Zone show page on Facebook, which you can check out HERE. And we're also on Twitter using the account @FandomZoneCast.

Come back next week for more on Gotham, The Flash, iZombie, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Arrow and the second episode of Daredevil, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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