Sunday, March 2, 2014

Filming Begins on CW's THE FLASH Pilot

And so, it begins.

Just two days after the first photo of Grant Gustin wearing his Flash costume dropped, filming has officially begun on the pilot for the proposed CW series The Flash.

The pilot, directed by Smallville and Arrow veteran David Nutter, started production today in Vancouver, with several creators including executive producer Andrew Kreisberg and DC Comics chief creative officer Geoff Johns posting a few pictures on Twitter.  Here's what we've received so far, with further updates as they come in...

The coffee shop CC Jitters is based upon the Jitters introduced during Johns' period writing The Flash (vol.3) from 2010-2011.  The shop is a particular favorite of Candice Patton's character Iris West, who has a considerable coffee addiction in the comics.


1 comment:

  1. Hey love the flash oh and is cc jitters a real coffee shop.

    Huge fan would anything to meet the cast of the Flash
