Friday, November 2, 2012

Guillermo del Toro Working on DC Comics Supernatural Superteam Movie

When there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call?  Justice League Dark...busters.

Latino Review posted yesterday that Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth director Guillermo del Toro wants to team various supernatural characters from the DC Comics Universe in an epic feature film called Heaven Sent.  This supernatural superteam would include characters such as Deadman, The Spectre, Swamp Thing, John Constantine, The Phantom Stranger, Zatanna and her father Zatara, Sargon and Etrigan the Demon.

According to the article, del Toro's upcoming film Pacific Rim is testing so well that "Warner Brothers wants to offer him everything they have."  This project will take some time to get moving however, because Warner's lawyers are supposedly working day and night to clear the rights for all these characters.  Warner Brothers presumably sees the potential here, considering the insanely huge box office for Marvel's superteam movie The Avengers and that the 2005 film Constantine, based on DC/Vertigo character John Constantine, hauled in over $230 million worldwide.

DC Comics embraced the idea of a supernatural superteam last year with the release of the ongoing series Justice League Dark, which currently features three of the characters listed above along with Black Orchid, Madame Xanadu, Andrew Bennett, Frankenstein and others.

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