Monday, May 21, 2012

SKYFALL Teaser Trailer Debuts

The teaser trailer for the 23rd official James Bond film Skyfall was released online a few hours ago and it seems there's going to be some word association going on.

In what appears to be some sort of psychiatric evaluation watched by his superior M (played by Dame Judi Dench) and Ralph Fiennes' character Gareth Mallory, Bond (Daniel Craig) provides respones to specific words to presumably gain insight into his subconscious mind.  The exchange goes like this:

(A slight hestiation) "Employment."
(No response)
(A dramatic pause) "Done."

From there we see rows of coffins draped with British flags, the city of Shanghai, Bond plunging into a large body of water, Bond standing solemnly with M besides his silver Aston Martin DB5 overlooking a misty ravine, an underground subway car crashing through the roof of whatever lies below, and of course, the usual shots of Bond shooting things, cars flipping, explosions and whatnot.

"Some men are coming to kill us," Bond says omniously.  "I'm gonna kill them first."

Skyfall arrives in US theaters on November 9, 2012.  In the meantime, you can watch the teaser trailer below about twenty times...


  1. At first, I did not understand why Pierce Bronson was ineffective Bond. He definitely looked the part..but I have grown the most interest in the depth of this Daniel Craig's Bond. For the first time in Bond history, I can recall storylines accordingly to each separate movie..

    1. Liza, I thought Brosnan started off well with GoldenEye and Tomorrow Never Dies but his last two Bond films seemed like updated versions of Roger Moore films. Thankfully, Craig has been allowed to play his Bond as a more intense character with substance. Here's hoping Skyfall recaptures a lot of what made Casino Royale so appealing.
