Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Avengers Assemble This Week in Cleveland

The Plain Dealer newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio is getting the word out about filming for the upcoming Marvel Comics movie The Avengers taking place in the city this month.  In an article posted by Michael Sangiacomo, readers are asked to "become honorary Avengers for the duration of the filming" by reporting all sightings of the filming to The Plain Dealer and their online affiliate Cleveland.com.

"Did you see Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) falling off the wagon and sipping a beer at the Great Lakes Brewing Co.?  Was that Thor (Chris Hemsworth) eyeing European artifacts at City Buddha in Cleveland Heights?  Was Captain America (Chris Evans) visiting old friends at the veterans hospital on Cleveland’s East Side?  And that woman getting her nails done at a swanky spa in Beachwood. Was that the Black Widow (Scarlett Johannson)?  You get the idea."

According to Sangiacomo, Avengers director and geek god Joss Whedon was on site yesterday for roughly four hours getting an idea for how the block of East Ninth Street and Euclid Avenue would work for his movie.  Filming is to take place at the former Ameritrust rotuna building.

Sangiacomo also provided the filming’s tentative timetable, with locations and road closings:

Monday to Friday, Sept. 2: Filming on East Ninth Street from Euclid to Prospect avenues.

Monday, Aug. 15, to Wednesday, Aug. 24: Filming on Euclid Avenue from East Sixth Street to East 12th Street.

Monday, Aug. 22, through Friday, Sept. 2: Filming on Walnut Avenue from East Ninth Street to East 12th Street.

Wednesday, Aug. 17, to Tuesday, Aug. 30: Filming on South Roadway at Superior Avenue and Ontario Street.

Monday, Aug. 29: Filming on the Detroit-Superior (Veterans Memorial) Bridge.

At intermittent times in August, Public Square in front of Tower City will be closed for filming.

Photos and video links will presumably be posted on Cleveland.com and "honorary Avengers" are also encouraged to post items on Twitter using the hashtag #AvengersCLE.

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