Wednesday, June 17, 2020

DOOM PATROL Season 2 Extended Trailer Teases Red Jack and the Candlemaker

We have so many questions.

A new extended trailer for the upcoming second season of the DC Universe/HBO Max series Doom Patrol has been released, giving us the first look at the TV series' versions of notable Doom Patrol enemies Red Jack and the Candlemaker.

The two-minute, ten-second trailer opens with Cyborg/Vic Stone (Joivan Wade) asking new character Roni Evers (Karen Obilom) if she's ready for some sort of procedure.

Roni, who is lying on a table and appears to have a heavily-scarred body, responds with a wink, "Booyah."

We then see Robotman/Cliff Steele (voice of Brendan Fraser) and Crazy Jane (Diane Guerrero), who are still miniaturized after the events of the Season 1 finale, "Ezekiel Patrol".  Sitting in front of a Danny the Brick, Robotman asks Jane, "We are going to get big again, right?"

"I don't know," Jane replies before we see tiny Robotman punching out a rat that may or may not be Mister Whiskers.  "Do you want to?"

Next, we see The Chief/Dr. Niles Caulder (Timothy Dalton) talking to Willoughby Kipling (Mark Sheppard) about the Doom Patrol's condition.  "Help me get these people big," the Chief begs.

"That kind of magic doesn't come for free," replies Kipling.

In a separate scene, Crazy Jane tells someone "Niles is dying" as we see the Chief in the middle of a street festival coughing up blood into his handkerchief.

In another scene, Elasti-Woman/Rita Farr (April Bowlby) asks the Chief, "How old are you exactly?"

"A hundred and thirty-nine," replies the Chief.

Rita immediately tears up.  "Dear God, he's practically dead."

Cliff facepalms at her reaction.  "Oh, boy.  Here come the water works."

As we see the Chief's daughter, Dorothy Spinner (Abigail Shapiro), inside a wooden cage, we hear Crazy Jane, who remarks to Rita and Cliff, "If Chief croaks, somebody's going to have to take care of the girl."

"She really that dangerous?" asks Cliff before we see his tiny robot self being flicked away by a large hairy spider.  In a separate scene, we see a full-sized Cliff flying through a billboard for Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man's new autobiography, My Side, featuring pull quotes from Doom Patrol comics writer Gerard Way and DC Comics supervillain Kite Man.

The Chief responds to Cliff's question, "Left to her own devices, she could unleash a being so powerful it would cleave the Earth in two."

As he says this, we see a brief glimpse of the Candlemaker, who confronts a past version of the Chief inside a circus tent.

Rita remarks, "The only thing keeping Dorothy from going full wildchild is us."

"Us?" protests Cliff.  "No way, it's every man, woman and brick for themselves now."

In a separate scene, Rita tells the Chief, "Time is what you need.  Where do we get more?"

In another scene, miniaturized Vic and Rita are standing on some model of a park.  "So, you want to become a superhero?" he asks.

Rita replies, "Is it wrong to desire mastery of one's limbs?"  She attempts to elongate her arm to reach for the models of a couple on a park bench, but falls short, irritating her.

Another scene follows, this time of Jane telling Cliff, "I need Chief."

"Why do you need him?" asks Cliff.

"Because shit's getting weird in the Underground," she explains as we see her assorted personalities at war with one another.  "I don't know how much longer I have before the rest of me has their way."

In another scene, the Chief and Rita open the door to Doom Manor to find a swarm of butterflies.  "I've been invited to a dinner with the divine Red Jack," the Chief says.

We then see Red Jack gouging out the eyes of his servant before driving a dagger into the dining table before the Chief.

We cut to Dorothy opening the front door to find a smiling Flex Mentallo (Devan Chandler Long) with a bunch of Dannyzens.  This leads to the Doom Patrol having a dance party on Danny the Street.

"Just a robot doing the robot," quips Cliff.

Suddenly, we see two members of the SeX-Men, a man and a woman, enter the club.  "Everyone keep your hands where we can see 'em," orders the man.

"You're in serious danger," adds the woman.

"What the hell are you?" asks an annoyed Vic.

"Baby, we're the SeX-Men," replies the woman, who has the nametag Torture.

"I have so many questions," remarks Jane.

If you'd like to check out the new trailer, you can view it below thanks to the official DC Comics account on YouTube...

Doom Patrol returns to DC Universe and HBO Max for Season 2 on June 25, 2020.

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