Monday, June 29, 2020

TITANTALK 051: "Fun Size Patrol" Is Up!

"You think Danny will ever grow big again?"
"No clue."
"I hope they do.  Nobody deserves to be a brick."
"Maybe Danny wants to be a brick."
-- Robotman and Crazy Jane, Doom Patrol: "Fun Size Patrol"

Hello again, Doom Patrol fans!  Titans Tower finally reopens as my co-host DJ Nik joins me for a brand-new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Fun Size Patrol", the first episode from Doom Patrol Season 2, featuring Timothy Dalton as the Chief, Diane Guerrero as Crazy Jane, the return of Mark Sheppard as Willoughby Kipling, and the introduction of Abigail Shapiro as Dorothy Spinner!

In this episode, DJ Nik and I discuss things like DJ Nik joining me as co-host, differences between the comic book and TV versions of Dorothy Spinner, who the "Eismann" might be that Willoughby Kipling referred to, making a wish for the Candlemaker, waiting for Dorothy Spinner to sing at Peeping Tom's Cabaret on Danny the Street, Abigail Shapiro getting her English accent from watching Harry Potter, American actors faking British accents better than British actors faking American accents, Dorothy's upbeat attitude despite her harsh treatment as "The Ape Faced Girl", Wes Craven's film Wishmaster, the Chief's love for Dorothy, speculating why the showrunners made Dorothy the Chief's daughter in the TV version, the Chief singing "Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter", Kipling's price for restoring the Doom Patrol to normal size, the Chief and Kipling having a "science vs. magic" relationship, Cliff's dad banging the counter girl at the Dairy Queen, Cliff's anger toward the Chief coming from his anger toward Cliff's father, Cliff punching out rats, Crazy Jane battling her other personalities for dominance of their persona, Cliff and Jane's relationship evolving into a close friendship, Rita finally deciding she wants to be a superhero, Cyborg having PTSD flashbacks, Larry being a complete douche to his kids, Cliff walking in with a ratskin coat, our favorite quotes of the episode, Cliff walking in with a ratskin cloak, new Tell It to TitanTalk feedback from Holly Mac, and more!

If you'd like to check out episodes of TitanTalk, you can find us on...

iTunes/Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
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TitanTalk's Facebook page
TitanTalk's Twitter account

Be sure to come back next week as DJ Nik and I discuss "Tyme Patrol", the second episode from Doom Patrol Season 2, featuring the debut of obscure Doom Patrol villain Doctor Tyme!  Look for more of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 189: "Survival" Is Up!

"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream.  People made of smoke, and cities made of song.  Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there’s injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold.  Come on, Ace — we’ve got work to do!"
-- The Seventh Doctor to Ace, Doctor Who: "Survival"

Hello again, everyone!  My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  This time, we're joined by special guest companion Xan Sprouse from Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast and Gold Standard: The Oscars Podcast to discuss "Survival", the fourth serial from Doctor Who Season 26 in 1989 and final story of the classic era, featuring Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor, Sophie Aldred as Dorothy "Ace" McShane, Lisa Bowerman as Karra, and the return of Anthony Ainley as the Third Master!

In this episode, Jesse, Xan and I discuss things like twisting Xan's arm to get her back on the podcast, "Survival" being the last transmitted story but not the last one filmed, Rona Munro being the only classic era writer to also writer for the modern era, what actually killed the Seventh Doctor, Lisa Bowerman as Seventh Doctor companion Bernice "Benny" Summerfield, plans for Sophie Aldred to be written out as Ace in the proposed Season 27, why Ace needs her own spinoff series, blowing up Krypton on a budget, Rona Munro being disappointed with the Cheetah People costumes, St. Elmo's Fire, the Cheetah Planet breaking up like the Genesis Planet, the Master not taking proper care of himself, Sylvester McCoy giving his all, wondering how the Master knew the Doctor was in Perivale, executive producer John Nathan-Turner toning down the lesbian subtext between Ace and Karra, wondering why the Master didn't just teleport himself to Earth, Ace not being a typical tomboy, the differences between the John Nathan-Turner and Russell T Davies eras, Ace not being able to go home again, Ace finding U2's War album, animatronic Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch, the nod to Planet of the Apes, the quick backstory for the Kitlings and the Cheetah People, the joke about outrunning a lion needing a payoff, our favorite quotes of the episode, wondering why wolf howls were used for the Cheetah People, my Reverse the Reverse the Polarity segment, Brannigan being an Irish Catholic cat, new feedback from Holly Mac and David K. Proctor, reminding young people of physical media, fun with a crashed Skype connection, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Google Play Music -- RIGHT HERE

iTunes/Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
Spotify -- RIGHT HERE
Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Next Stop Everywhere's Facebook page
Next Stop Everywhere's Twitter account
Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

In honor of our 5th anniversary, we now have a NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our current logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HEREThis spiffy new shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week, as special guest companion Hannah Skorapa returns to help Jesse and me discuss "The Chimes of Midnight", the 2002 Doctor Who audio drama from Big Finish Productions, starring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor and India Fisher as Charlotte "Charley" Pollard!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Michael Keaton in Talks to Reprise Bruce Wayne for DC Universe Films

You know, Bruce Wayne's life is really complex.

Deadline has confirmed reports that Michael Keaton is in early talks to return to his role of Batman/Bruce Wayne for Warner Bros.' upcoming DC Extended Universe films.

According to the article, Keaton would reprise his version of Bruce Wayne "in a Nick Fury-like role starting with Warner Bros. The Flash starring Ezra Miller, and could continue to play the Dark Knight in other upcoming DC movies like Batgirl.  Reportedly, the Keaton Batman won’t impact the mythology being hammered out by Matt Reeves’ reboot The Batman starring Robert Pattinson as the Caped Crusader, and it will pick up his story line after Batman Returns."

Reportedly, The Flash film, to be directed by Andy Muschietti, will feature elements of the Flashpoint storyline from DC Comics and introduce the concept of the multiverse involving alternate Earths similar to what was recently depicted in the CW Arrowverse crossover event Crisis on Infinite Earths.  Presumably, Keaton's Batman/Bruce Wayne would come from one of those alternate Earths and be a character that connects various DC Universe superhero films to one another.

Keaton, 68, previously played Batman/Bruce Wayne in the films Batman (1989) and Batman Returns.  His other films include Beetlejuice, Birdman, Johnny Dangerously, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Mr. Mom, Night Shift, Robocop (2014), Jackie Brown, Minions, Toy Story 3, Jack Frost, Multiplicity, Pacific Heights, and Clean and Sober.  His television appearances include episodes of The Simpsons, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Saturday Night Live, 30 Rock, Frasier, King of the Hill, and The Mary Tyler Moore Hour.

The Flash is currently expected to arrive in theaters on June 3, 2022.

THE FANDOM ZONE 181: "Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite" Is Up!

"Oh, it's well known that talking is Beth Chapel's superpower."
"It's true."
-- Yolanda Montez and Beth Chapel, Stargirl: "Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite"

Hello again, everyone!  My co-host Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite", the fifth episode of the DC Universe/CW series Stargirl, featuring Brec Bassinger as Stargirl, Luke Wilson as Pat Dugan, Cameron Gellman as Rick Tyler, and Anjelika Washington as Beth Chapel!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like Rick Tyler being a legacy superhero, differences between the Stargirl version of Rick Tyler and the original comics version, knowing that Greg Berlanti teen angst will eventually creep into the show, differences between the Stargirl version of Beth Chapel and the original comics version, the JSA artifacts choosing the right person to carry on the JSA legacy, Courtney pulling an Ocean's Eleven, Yolanda not wanting Beth around, Cindy's Halloween party, Henry King Jr. finally getting his Brainwave Jr. powers, Rick being a gearhead, Jesse's wife Linda watching Watchmen, Rex and Wendi Tyler leaving young Rick with Wendi's asshole brother, Rick's anger over his parents' deaths and how his life turned out, Jesse needing to start reading comics again, Beth finding the original Doctor Mid-Nite's goggles, Beth's parents being desperate for her to find friends her own age, Beth being the Felicity Smoak of Stargirl, Pat reaching out to Rick, Rick's uncle being bitter about being stuck with Rick, Pat becoming the Rupert Giles-like mentor for the new Justice Society, the Gambler and the Fiddler stealing a satellite dish, our favorite quotes of the episode, Fandom Zone Fanmail from Ken from Chicago, Jesse DVRing Stargirl to help their CW ratings, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

Google Play Music
 -- HERE 
iTunes/Apple Podcasts -- HERE
Direct Download MP3s/Libsyn -- HERE
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The Fandom Zone on Facebook -- HERE
The Fandom Zone on Twitter -- @FandomZoneCast
The Fandom Zone on Instagram -- HERE

And if that isn't enough for you, you can also check us out on YouTube, Soundcloud, and the official Southgate Media Group website!  Oh, and if you're interested in an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing, you can get those on TeePublic HERE as well!  Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I discuss "The Justice Society", the sixth episode of the DC Universe/CW series Stargirl, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

Friday, June 19, 2020

GHOSTWOOD 077: "The Past Dictates the Future" Is Up!

"We live inside a dream."
-- Dale Cooper, Twin Peaks: "The Past Dictates the Future"

It is happening again...My co-host with the most Xan Sprouse and I are back with a new episode of Ghostwood: The Twin Peaks Podcast!  In this episode, we provide our commentary track for "The Past Dictates the Future", a.k.a. "The Return, Part 17", from the 2017 Showtime revival of Twin Peaks, featuring Kyle MacLachlan as Dale Cooper/Mr. C, David Lynch as Gordon Cole, Laura Dern as Diane Evans, and Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer!


In this episode, Xan and I discuss things like the wrath of 'Rona, Xan's parents not playing Jeopardy correctly, Xan selectively killing her past, House Skaggs and House Sprouse, why our podcast shouldn't follow a linear format, David Lynch's The Elephant Man coming to Criterion, our predictions for Criterion's next David Lynch film release, Ruth Radelet of Chromatics being the heir to Julee Cruise, the Blue Rose Task Force enjoying drinks after killing Diane's tulpa, why being less involved with Gordon Cole's Blue Rose cases is a good thing, wanting to make Chad's life in his cell even more unbearable, Ben getting a phone call from the cops about his brother Jerry, Generation X being completely forgotten, wondering if Freddie McRubberfist's rubber glove finally comes off, that awkward moment when Sheriff Frank Truman realizes he's talking to Cooper's doppelganger, the BORB, Cooper's superimposed face, local Columbus restaurant Katzinger's Deli, finally finding out what Laura Palmer was screaming at, other fandoms with obsessive lore as rich as Twin Peaks, Cooper rewriting the timeline, wondering how the new timeline is different, the return of Julee Cruise as the last Roadhouse performer, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

iTunes/Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Spotify -- RIGHT HERE
Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
Ghostwood's Facebook page
Ghostwood's Twitter account

Be sure to come back in two weeks for Episode 078, as Xan and I provide our commentary track for "What Is Your Name?", a.k.a. "The Return, Part 18", from the 2017 Showtime revival of Twin Peaks, featuring Kyle MacLachlan as Dale Cooper, Laura Dern as Diane Evans, Sheryl Lee as Carrie Page, and Al Strobel as MIKE!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 188: "Attack of the Cybermen" Is Up!

"Who are you?"
"I've already told you.  I am known as the Doctor.  I'm also a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous."
"You're bonkers."
"That's debatable."
-- Russell and the Sixth Doctor, Doctor Who: "Attack of the Cybermen"

Hello again, everyone!  My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Attack of the Cybermen", the first serial from Doctor Who Season 22 in 1985, featuring Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor, Nicola Bryant as Peri Brown, and the return of Maurice Colbourne as Gustave Lytton and David Banks as the Cyber Leader!

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like Jesse and I both being Geminis, Colin Baker fan Rachel Frend not being eager to discuss "Attack of the Cybermen", Jesse meeting Colin and Nicola without having seen any of their Doctor Who episodes, shaking my fist at the universe, Lytton's first name, Terry Molloy as Russell the undercover cop, David Banks playing the Doctor briefly in the stage play Doctor Who: The Ultimate Adventure, Season 22 adopting the modern 45-minute episode format, the creepy Cryons with a fondness for bubble wrap, '80s Cybermen being a bit emotional, the two Telos prisoners' story going absolutely nowhere, the controversy of who writer "Paula Moore" actually is, Jesse getting a co-worker hooked on Doctor Who, the Sixth Doctor finally repairing the TARDIS' Chameleon Circuit, Jesse being distracted by Colin Baker's costume, Peri finally getting to wear something besides low-cut spandex and shorts, the Doctor's love of hats, Big Finish redeeming the Sixth Doctor, the TARDIS returning to 76 Totter's Lane, the Doctor telling Peri to shoot Russell, the Doctor using a gun to kill Cybermen, Lytton working with the Cryons, the Doctor regretting his misjudgment of Lytton, Flast sacrificing herself to kill a few Cybermen, the Doctor being manipulated by the Time Lords yet again, the overweight Cyber-Controller with a mohawk helmet, talking the good and bad of Doctor Who, our favorite quotes of the episode, my Reverse the Reverse the Polarity segment, new feedback from Holly Mac and David K. Proctor, my thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Google Play Music -- RIGHT HERE

iTunes/Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
Spotify -- RIGHT HERE
Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Next Stop Everywhere's Facebook page
Next Stop Everywhere's Twitter account
Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

In honor of our 5th anniversary, we now have a NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our current logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HEREThis spiffy new shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week, as special guest companion Xan Sprouse returns to help Jesse and me discuss "Survival", the fourth serial from Doctor Who Season 26 in 1989 and final story of the classic era, featuring Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor, Sophie Aldred as Dorothy "Ace" McShane, Lisa Bowerman as Karra, and the return of Anthony Ainley as the Third Master!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

DOOM PATROL Season 2 Extended Trailer Teases Red Jack and the Candlemaker

We have so many questions.

A new extended trailer for the upcoming second season of the DC Universe/HBO Max series Doom Patrol has been released, giving us the first look at the TV series' versions of notable Doom Patrol enemies Red Jack and the Candlemaker.

The two-minute, ten-second trailer opens with Cyborg/Vic Stone (Joivan Wade) asking new character Roni Evers (Karen Obilom) if she's ready for some sort of procedure.

Roni, who is lying on a table and appears to have a heavily-scarred body, responds with a wink, "Booyah."

We then see Robotman/Cliff Steele (voice of Brendan Fraser) and Crazy Jane (Diane Guerrero), who are still miniaturized after the events of the Season 1 finale, "Ezekiel Patrol".  Sitting in front of a Danny the Brick, Robotman asks Jane, "We are going to get big again, right?"

"I don't know," Jane replies before we see tiny Robotman punching out a rat that may or may not be Mister Whiskers.  "Do you want to?"

Next, we see The Chief/Dr. Niles Caulder (Timothy Dalton) talking to Willoughby Kipling (Mark Sheppard) about the Doom Patrol's condition.  "Help me get these people big," the Chief begs.

"That kind of magic doesn't come for free," replies Kipling.

In a separate scene, Crazy Jane tells someone "Niles is dying" as we see the Chief in the middle of a street festival coughing up blood into his handkerchief.

In another scene, Elasti-Woman/Rita Farr (April Bowlby) asks the Chief, "How old are you exactly?"

"A hundred and thirty-nine," replies the Chief.

Rita immediately tears up.  "Dear God, he's practically dead."

Cliff facepalms at her reaction.  "Oh, boy.  Here come the water works."

As we see the Chief's daughter, Dorothy Spinner (Abigail Shapiro), inside a wooden cage, we hear Crazy Jane, who remarks to Rita and Cliff, "If Chief croaks, somebody's going to have to take care of the girl."

"She really that dangerous?" asks Cliff before we see his tiny robot self being flicked away by a large hairy spider.  In a separate scene, we see a full-sized Cliff flying through a billboard for Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man's new autobiography, My Side, featuring pull quotes from Doom Patrol comics writer Gerard Way and DC Comics supervillain Kite Man.

The Chief responds to Cliff's question, "Left to her own devices, she could unleash a being so powerful it would cleave the Earth in two."

As he says this, we see a brief glimpse of the Candlemaker, who confronts a past version of the Chief inside a circus tent.

Rita remarks, "The only thing keeping Dorothy from going full wildchild is us."

"Us?" protests Cliff.  "No way, it's every man, woman and brick for themselves now."

In a separate scene, Rita tells the Chief, "Time is what you need.  Where do we get more?"

In another scene, miniaturized Vic and Rita are standing on some model of a park.  "So, you want to become a superhero?" he asks.

Rita replies, "Is it wrong to desire mastery of one's limbs?"  She attempts to elongate her arm to reach for the models of a couple on a park bench, but falls short, irritating her.

Another scene follows, this time of Jane telling Cliff, "I need Chief."

"Why do you need him?" asks Cliff.

"Because shit's getting weird in the Underground," she explains as we see her assorted personalities at war with one another.  "I don't know how much longer I have before the rest of me has their way."

In another scene, the Chief and Rita open the door to Doom Manor to find a swarm of butterflies.  "I've been invited to a dinner with the divine Red Jack," the Chief says.

We then see Red Jack gouging out the eyes of his servant before driving a dagger into the dining table before the Chief.

We cut to Dorothy opening the front door to find a smiling Flex Mentallo (Devan Chandler Long) with a bunch of Dannyzens.  This leads to the Doom Patrol having a dance party on Danny the Street.

"Just a robot doing the robot," quips Cliff.

Suddenly, we see two members of the SeX-Men, a man and a woman, enter the club.  "Everyone keep your hands where we can see 'em," orders the man.

"You're in serious danger," adds the woman.

"What the hell are you?" asks an annoyed Vic.

"Baby, we're the SeX-Men," replies the woman, who has the nametag Torture.

"I have so many questions," remarks Jane.

If you'd like to check out the new trailer, you can view it below thanks to the official DC Comics account on YouTube...

Doom Patrol returns to DC Universe and HBO Max for Season 2 on June 25, 2020.

Monday, June 15, 2020

THE FANDOM ZONE 180: "Wildcat" Is Up!

"You're checking Wikipedia?"
"It didn't come with an instruction manual."
-- Wildcat and Stargirl, Stargirl: "Wildcat"

Hello again, everyone!  My co-host Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Wildcat", the fourth episode of the DC Universe/CW series Stargirl, featuring Brec Bassinger as Stargirl, Luke Wilson as Pat Dugan, Yvette Monreal as Wildcat/Yolanda Montez, and introducing Nelson Lee as the Dragon King!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like Starman writer James Robinson, Wildcat's origin from the comic books, Yolanda needing to blame Cindy instead of Henry, Yolanda being publicly humiliated and shamed by her mother and father for sharing a topless photo, Jesse needing to give Henry King, Jr. a chance, Yolanda's Wildcat suit adjusting itself to her body, using Wikipedia to look up what the original Wildcat could do, wondering if Henry is being pressured by Cindy to stay away from Yolanda, Pat trying to help Denise Zarick, the debut of the Dragon King, wondering if the Dragon King is going to turn on Icicle, the Fiddler playing a tune for Brainwave in a coma, wondering why the Injustice Society settled in Blue Valley, Mike teasing the debut of Jakeem Thunder, our hopes that we're getting Jade and Obsidian, Yolanda murdering a toaster, our favorite quotes of the episode, tweets from Ken from Chicago, the passing of DC Comics legend Denny O'Neil, and more!

You can now check out episodes of The Fandom Zone using...

Google Play Music
 -- HERE 
iTunes/Apple Podcasts -- HERE
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The Fandom Zone on Facebook -- HERE
The Fandom Zone on Twitter -- @FandomZoneCast
The Fandom Zone on Instagram -- HERE

And if that isn't enough for you, you can also check us out on YouTube, Soundcloud, and the official Southgate Media Group website!  Oh, and if you're interested in an officially official Fandom Zone Podcast t-shirt that all the cool kids are wearing, you can get those on TeePublic HERE as well!  Feel free to post a picture on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I discuss "Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite", the fifth episode of the DC Universe/CW series Stargirl, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

NEXT STOP EVERYWHERE 187: "Mawdryn Undead" Is Up!

"I've lost my TARDIS, you've lost your memory.  I'd be surprised if the two events weren't connected."
"Let me tell you, sir, that I'm in full possession of all my faculties.  After all, if I was suffering from amnesia, I'd be the first to know about it, wouldn't I?"
-- The Fifth Doctor and Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Doctor Who: "Mawdryn Undead"

Hello again, everyone!  My partner in time Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of Next Stop Everywhere: The Doctor Who Podcast!  This time, we're joined by special guest companion Hannah Skorapa to conclude Brigadier Month as we discuss "Mawdryn Undead", the third serial from Doctor Who Season 20 in 1983, featuring Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor, the introduction of Mark Strickson as Vislor Turlough, and the return of Nicholas Courtney as the Brigadier and Valentine Dyall as the Black Guardian!

In this episode, Jesse, Hannah and I discuss things like Hannah suggesting "Mawdryn Undead" instead of our planned "Arc of Infinity", my various Fifth Doctor action figures, the Fifth Doctor era having bad male companions, Valentine Dyall as Deep Thought in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy TV series, the original plan to have William Russell's Ian Chesterton meet the Fifth Doctor instead of the Brigadier, John Nathan-Turner making Mark Strickson dye his hair red, Nicholas Courtney not appearing in the modern era of Doctor Who, Fifth Doctor cosplay fails, the Fifth Doctor helping the Brigadier regain his lost memories, Jesse thinking the Brigadier is going to kill the Doctor because he doesn't know him, Turlough being a jerk to everyone, the Black Guardian going all Nightmare on Elm Street with Turlough, the Black Guardian's Commodore 64 graphic background, my explanation of why the Fifth Doctor agreed to let Turlough travel with him, Jesse not being able to distinguish between Tegan and Nyssa, Tegan being the "mouth on legs", Mawdryn having rubber bands for exposed brains, what happened to the child actors playing young Tegan and Nyssa, the Blinovitch Limitation Effect, wondering what the Fifth Doctor would've done about using his regenerations if he knew he was the Timeless Child, Hannah's theory about Tecteun putting a cap on the Doctor's regenerations, our favorite quotes of the episode, my Reverse the Reverse the Polarity segment, new feedback from Holly Mac and David K. Proctor, my upcoming appearance on Jesse's Set Lusting Bruce podcast, and more!

If you'd like to check out our latest episode, you can find us on...

Google Play Music -- RIGHT HERE

iTunes/Apple Podcasts -- RIGHT HERE
Direct MP3 downloads/Libsyn -- RIGHT HERE
Spotify -- RIGHT HERE
Stitcher -- RIGHT HERE
Next Stop Everywhere's Facebook page
Next Stop Everywhere's Twitter account
Next Stop Everywhere's Instagram account

In honor of our 5th anniversary, we now have a NEW Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt with our current logo, which you can find on TeePublic right HEREThis spiffy new shirt looks great when you're listening to your favorite Doctor Who podcast and travelling through time and space!  Or your could order all sorts of cool Next Stop Everywhere merch there as well!

And hey, if you'd like to pick up our classic logo Next Stop Everywhere t-shirt, you can also find it on TeePublic right HERE!  Help support the show and feel free to post pictures on our Facebook page of you or some other cool person you know wearing the shirt!

Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I discuss "Attack of the Cybermen", the first serial from Doctor Who Season 22 in 1985, featuring Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor, Nicola Bryant as Peri Brown, and the return of David Banks as the Cyber Leader and Maurice Colbourne as Lytton!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Party On, Dudes! The First BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC Trailer Has Arrived!

Most outstanding news for Bill and Ted fans.

Orion Pictures has released the first trailer for Bill & Ted Face the Music, the long-awaited sequel to '80s cult classic Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bill & Ted's Bogus JourneyStars Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter reprise their respective roles of Theodore "Ted" Logan and William "Bill" S. Preston, Esq., who are now enduring the monotony of middle-aged life and are warned by a visitor from the future of the need for them to create a song in 78 minutes that will save all life on Earth and the entire universe.

The one-minute, 15-second trailer opens with The Great Leader (Holland Taylor) telling Bill and Ted, "Twenty-five years ago, you played a concert in front of the entire world.  One month ago, you played in Barstow, California for forty people, most of whom were there for Two Dollar Taco Night.  Bill and Ted, what have you got to say for yourselves?"

"Be excellent to each other," replies Bill, repeating himself from the first film.

"And party on, dudes!" adds Ted, also repeating himself.

This time, however, the leaders from the future aren't buying it.  "You were supposed to unite the world," remarks the Great Leader in a voiceover, "and save reality as we know it."

We cut to a scene with Bill and Ted in a white room with their previous guitars hanging on the wall.  "Bill, we've spent our our whole life trying to write the song that will unite the world," remarks Ted.  "Why can't we just go to the future when we have written it?"

We get a quick glimpse of Bill and Ted's daughters, Thea "Little Ted" Preston (Samara Weaving) and Billie "Little Bill" Logan (Brigette Lundy-Paine), watching their dads offstage and Thea clutching her face in embarrassment at what she sees.

"And take it from ourselves!" Bill replies to Ted's question.

"But isn't that stealing?" asks Ted.

"How is that stealing, if we're stealing it from ourselves, dude?"

A quick glimpse of Death (William Sadler) air-guitar riffing with Bill and Ted follows, as Bill and Ted travel to the future, landing in a prison yard where the inmates are chanting "Death! Death! The end!" along with the future Bill and Ted, who are also tattooed and heavily muscled inmates.

The present-day Bill and Ted see their hardcore future selves and are typically stunned.  "No way!" they exclaim.

Future Bill asks the pair, "How'd you like our song?"

"It's a little on the dark side," replies Present-Day Ted with a shrug, "but, you know, that's cool."

If you'd like to check out the trailer, you can view it below thanks to the official Orion Pictures account on YouTube...

Bill & Ted Face the Music is currently expected to arrive in theaters on August 21, 2020.

Monday, June 8, 2020

THE FANDOM ZONE 179: "Icicle" Is Up!

"A kid died today.  A child.  That's why we can't go on."
"A kid died today.  And that's exactly why we have to, Pat."-- Pat Dugan and Courtney Whitmroe, Stargirl: "Icicle"

Hello again, everyone!  My co-host Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "Icicle", the third episode of the DC Universe/CW series Stargirl, featuring Brec Bassinger as Stargirl, Luke Wilson as S.T.R.I.P.E., Neil Jackson as Icicle/Jordan Mahkent, and Joe Knezevich as The Wizard/William Zarick!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like Jesse feeling like 51 at 61, Stargirl's unimpressive episode titles, extending our invitation to Geoff Johns to be on our podcast, Icicle being more of a villain with depth than Brainwave, Pat not having any scene control, Pat trying to rein in Mike by making him get a paper route, Neil Jackson not being sure if Icicle's darkness works in Stargirl's upbeat tone, Icicle's dying wife telling him to destroy everything, Jordan's decision to kill the Wizard, Jordan making the moves on Barbara, wondering what the other members of the Injustice Society will think about Icicle killing the Wizard, Courtney lying about her playing card to make Joey Zarick look better in front of everyone, wondering if Denise Zarick will confide to Pat about her husband and son's murders, Jesse wondering about who's keeping the lights on at JSA headquarters, Courtney confronting Cindy about her slut-shaming Yolanda, Ted Grant the original Wildcat, Courtney handing out JSA identities to her friends, hoping that Hooty the owl gets to leave the JSA headquarters to hunt, waiting for Jakeem Thunder to arrive, our favorite quotes of the episode, how Jesse spent his birthday, the stupid decision to replace Kate Kane as Batwoman on the Batwoman TV show, some great feedback from Adrienne from Wisconsin, who the Flash is on Stargirl's Earth, my appearing on Jesse's Set Lusting Bruce podcast, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I discuss "Wildcat", the fourth episode of the DC Universe/CW series Stargirl, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!