Monday, July 15, 2019

THE FANDOM ZONE 158: "A Better Yesterday" is Up!

"What do you think?"
"I think Zod knows your weakness."
"Which is?"
"You won’t let anyone you care about die."
"If that’s a weakness, we all have it."
-- Val-El and Jax-Ur, Krypton: "A Better Yesterday"

Hello again, everyone!  Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of The Fandom Zone Podcast!  This time, we discuss "A Better Yesterday", the fifth episode from Season 2 of the Syfy series Krypton, featuring Brainiac helping Seg-El deal with General Zod, Nyssa-Vex learning she was responsible for multiple deaths of Wegthor rebels, and Jax-Ur making a shocking move!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like my Kryptonian name Char-Els, the Els being a house with a reputation, Krypton going for a Game of Thrones-esque episode ending, more of Brainiac and Seg-El being the new Scorpius and John Crichton from Farscape, General Zod realizing he doesn't need Seg-El's approval anymore, General Zod removing Lyta-Zod's empathy, Brainiac helping Seg shoot like a badass, wondering if Dev-El is going to take out Jax-Ur, Jesse being really glad the Jayna-Zod and Dev-Em storyline is back with the main storyline, Nyssa learning she's responsible for killing a bunch of Wegthor rebels, Adam and Kem forging a new bromance with one another without Seg-El, Nyssa-Vex realizing the only one to get her son Cor-Vex back is her, our shared belief that Jax-Ur didn't actually kill Lyta-Zod, Hannah Waddingham as Septa Unella on Game of Thrones, Jax-Ur being willing to make the hard decisions that Val-El won't, Jax-Ur's extremism vs. Val-El's establishment ideology, learning that Lyta cost Jax-Ur her eye, our favorite quotes of the episode, WarnerMedia announcing their new streaming service HBO Max, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I review "In Zod We Trust", the sixth episode from Season 2 of the Syfy series Krypton, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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