Tuesday, June 11, 2019

THE FANDOM ZONE 153: "Krypton Season One Review" is Up!

"Kal-El, my future grandson.  This is the story of the House of El.  Our ending has yet to be written, but this is how it began.  Ours is a story of sacrifice and triumph, how the House of El led a revolution against tyranny.  The story of your family isn't how we died, but how we lived."
-- Seg-El, Krypton: "Pilot" 

Hello again, everyone!  After far too long, The Fandom Zone Podcast is finally back!  In this brand-new episode, I'm joined by new co-host Jesse Jackson to discuss the characters and first season of the Syfy series Krypton, based on the mythos of DC Comics’ Superman!

In this episode, Jesse and I talk about things like welcoming Jesse to the Fandom Zone, Jesse and I moving over from TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast, an update on previous (and hopefully future) co-host Karen Lindsay, both of us being big fans of Superman, Seg-El being based on Sieg-El from DC Comics and named after Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel, Krypton's Brainiac being influenced by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank's take on Brainiac from the comics, Krypton making a series about a doomed planet actually matter, Cameron Cuffe being a comics geek, Jesse holding off on Deadwood so we could discuss Krypton Season One, Adam Strange needing his helmet and jet pack, Jayna-Zod killing Seg-El's parents, Seg-El being raised as someone in touch with the common people as opposed to an elite scientist, the Marty McFly family photo-like Superman cape, Adam Strange's Doctor Strange joke, Brainiac's collection of Kandor causing Krypton's destruction, Daron-Vex being a total weasel, DC Comics' new 3-page Krypton comic story, the cancellation of Swamp Thing, our upcoming reviews of each Krypton Season 2 episode, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week, as Jesse and I review "Light-Years from Home", the Season 2 premiere of the Syfy series Krypton, right here on The Fandom Zone Podcast!

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