Tuesday, March 5, 2019

TITANTALK 023: "Puppet Patrol" is Up!

"You remember Niles, don’t you?  The guy who shot your Nazi ass?  Ten times the scientist you’ll ever be."
"Niles Caulder is a fraud whose intelligence is devastatingly limited, whereas my genius is revolutionary."
"Mm.  Is it, though?  The creepy old Nazi shitbag, keeping himself alive in some janky-ass iron lung, doesn’t feel super revolutionary to me."
-- Crazy Jane and Heinrich Von Fuchs, Doom Patrol -- "Puppet Patrol"

Hello again, everyone!  My fellow TitanTalker Jesse Jackson and I are back with another new episode of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast!  This time, we review "Puppet Patrol", the third episode of the new DC Universe series Doom Patrol, featuring Julian Richings as Heinrich Von Fuchs, and the introduction of Charmin Lee as Elinore Stone and Alec Mapa as Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man! 

In this episode, Jesse and I discuss things like Rachel Talalay directing Doctor Who and Tank Girl, people appreciating Doom Patrol for being different and not your usual superhero TV show, the Powers TV show, Larry putting his personal desire over his responsibilities, Larry's wife Sheryl calling him out for "going out for beers with the guys", Larry trying to have it all only to end up with nothing, Larry being pressured by John to leave his wife and come out of the closet, why Negative Man wears his bandages, Larry finally being able to confront the Negative Spirit directly, Larry sending John away, Larry asking Crazy Jane how she manages her various personalities, Cyborg's dad Silas cutting Vic off from his financial resources as a way to control him, Vic stepping up to lead the Doom Patrol because no one else is, Vic being skeptical of his accident's video footage and wondering if he can trust his memories, the Brotherhood of Evil getting a shout out, Von Fuch's creepy Fuchtopia community, Von Fuchs' puppet show exposition and Steve geeking out over it, the Chief shooting Von Fuchs and taking something from him, Jane having multiple stolen credit cards rejected, the Doom Patrol's road trip across the country to reach Paraguay, Jane's teleporting persona Flit, Cliff ripping apart the Fuchtopians with his robot strength, Steve becoming obscure Doom Patrol villain Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, our favorite quotes of the episode, the casting of Superboy for Titans Season 2, some Tell It to TitanTalk feedback from Isaac in Michigan, DJ Nik in Milan and Holly in Wisconsin, Mark Sheppard as Willoughby Kipling, and more!

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Be sure to come back next week for Episode 024 as Jesse and I can discuss "Cult Patrol", the fourth episode of the DC Universe series Doom Patrol, featuring the introduction of Mark Sheppard as Willoughby Kipling!  Look for more of TitanTalk: The Titans Podcast on iTunes, Google Play Music, YouTube, Libsyn, and the official Southgate Media Group website!

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