Monday, March 2, 2015

Drew Goddard to Write & Direct THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN

No longer amazing, Spider-Man is becoming spectacular.

Latino-Review has word that Drew Goddard is in talks to write and direct the next Spider-Man film for Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios, which apparently has the title The Spectacular Spider-Man.

Goddard was previously thought to be directing a Sinister Six spinoff film for Sony, until the recent deal with Marvel caused Sony to rethink their plans for various Spider-Verse films. According to the article, the new Spectacular series of Spider-Man films, produced by Amy Pascal and Marvel's Kevin Feige, will supposedly come out in consecutive summers and feature the following...
  • No new origin story, Spidey exists from the beginning, taken as a given
  • New actor, probably an unknown, he will be specifically based in High School and they want him to be able to grow up into the role. The thought being if this works, Spidey can do multiple trilogies for years ala Harry Potter.
  • A major part of the first film will involve Spider-Man fighting Iron Man and then trying to pass the “audition” to join the Avengers
  • The first film will involved the Sinister Six coming together with the thought to later maybe spin them off.
The new incarnation of Spider-Man is expected to debut in Marvel's upcoming film Captain America: Civil War, although no actor has been named as of yet.

The Spectacular Spider-Man is currently scheduled for a July 28, 2017 release.

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