Monday, July 22, 2013

STAR TREK 3 Moving Forward with New Writers

Get ready to boldly go where no one has gone before...um...again.

Badass Digest reports that Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz are being considered by Bad Robot productions to write the script for the third Star Trek film featuring the current cast.  The two previously worked with Bad Robot on the TV series Fringe, wrote the first Thor movie and are credited on X-Men: First Class.  In addition, they wrote for Andromeda, the 2000-05 television series created by Gene Roddenberry.

However, the article states previous screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Bob Orci are still involved with the third Star Trek film to some extent.  Kurtzman and Orci were apparently part of the decision to bring in Miller and Stentz, but it's not known how deep their involvement goes.

Kurtzman and Orci's scripts for 2009's Star Trek and its sequel Star Trek Into Darkness have received considerable criticism from Trek fans citing various plot holes, which could've contributed somewhat to the decision to bring in Miller and Stentz.  Despite the criticism, Star Trek brought in over $385 million worldwide and currently, Star Trek Into Darkness has earned over $448 million worldwide.  And with the 50th anniversary of the original Star Trek TV series in 2016, there's already some pressure to get production moving on the next film.

I don't suppose Star Trek: The Five Captains with Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway and Archer is an option?  It worked for Doctor Who in 1983...

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